Let's imagine somebody said to you that you had to start with £20 on Sky Poker (the free bonus when you join) and get it up to £1,000 within 3 months and that by doing that you would actually get £1million....
We've added the £1million element because we're interested in knowing if that would affect how you play and if you would take it more seriously? It's just a made up number to add a twist to the question and to spark a debate!
Also, depending on how you answer above - if you thought you could do it, why wouldn't you play that way anyway to get to the £1,000?
This could actually be a good promo. Sky could choose few people at random who want to take on the challenge (maybe 5 to keep it even). Set them up a seperate account (One that's obvious who it is so not really multi accounting) give them the £20, anything the player has left after 3 months they get to keep and is transferred into their real account. There could be regular updates on both the forum and on the TV show to get a lot of interest...
This would get a few more people to try the same thing with their own money, and Skypoker would easily get more than that £20 back through rake. Just a thought...
Right now it is potentially possible for someone to sign up to Skypoker, use the free tokens to SAT into the £500'000 UKPC final and then take it down.
You'd definitely have to avoid some runbad at the start but I reckon once you got to £100+ then most definitely do-able relatively safely in 3 months. Posted by Lambert180
Would you stick to your 'usual' way of playing or would the money make you think differently?
In Response to Re: Question of the day - 11/12/13 : Would you stick to your 'usual' way of playing or would the money make you think differently? Posted by Sky_Poker
Well if it was a case of you literally get 1 shot at it, so £20 into £1000 and you win £1mil but if you go bust once it's game over, then I'd be very very cautious BRM wise early doors but just smash the volume to try to get out of micro stakes ASAP. I'd also be SUPER focussed early doors in every single hand of every single game which is something we should do 100% of the time, but it's hard and I'm sure most are guilty of getting a bit lazy every now and then, even if that means only giving 95% of your thinking ability.
I'd be grinding every single freeroll everyday, trying to win all the Mini/ME seats I possibly could to try to get a bink. Although, early doors if I was on for winning a ME seat from the freeroll, I'd definitely pre-reg (if I had £33) and take the cash cos that would be such a boost to your roll and help get you to £100+ then I think it would probably be fairly plain sailing as long as you did ALOT of volume, didn't tilt and didn't go on a terrible downswing.
I know TinTin used to win like 100 BIs as a pretty standard month grinding 4NL so very do-able from the £100 mark.
Yes, would quit work and play full time to make sure I got there in the time limit. When I did it from 1,000 PP £0 to £20 was the hardest bit, cutting that out would make this relatively easy.
Just looked back at the numbers, it took me 223 playing days to go from £20 to £1,000, so just over 7 months. Could easily bring that down to months if I played full time.
We've added the £1million element because we're interested in knowing if that would affect how you play and if you would take it more seriously? It's just a made up number to add a twist to the question and to spark a debate!
Also, depending on how you answer above - if you thought you could do it, why wouldn't you play that way anyway to get to the £1,000?
What specifically would you do differently?
Just looked back at the numbers, it took me 223 playing days to go from £20 to £1,000, so just over 7 months. Could easily bring that down to