Noticed there a quite a few good tourn players using these as a money making exercise and play the daily quarter final, semi final and other sats. Whilst I appreciate they are doing nothing wrong and probably make some money I do feel it is preventing other players qualifying for the prestigious live event in February.
I think if a player satellites through and is fortunate enough to qualify for the live event they should not be allowed to enter any further satellites. This is not sour grapes because I bubbled the final a few weeks ago, honestly lol
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hope this makes sense, that may be a reason you think people are doing this, and looks like they have already quallified
Not often that adjective has been applied to a Hippo.
you pay your entrance and hope to win
so pick the ones that you feel more able to win
if the ukpc sats are too shark infested
but you want to play a sat structure
maybe play the main event sats instead
pocket the cash and use that to buy in direct
the one time I would agree with you is if the sat is into an event which you cannot buy in direct for. like some of the SPTs. In this case I agree people should only play to win an entry.