So I tried my hand at DYMs again today for the first time in a few weeks. Cashed in 3/3 that I played, which was pleasing, given that I'm still pretty new to poker.
However it was only at the £5.50 level. So I'm curious to know from people who've played the higher levels - in your opinion, is there a big jump in standard from £5.50 to £11? And from £11 to £22 and so on? How does the gameplay change as you go up through the levels?
Strangely, I do considerably better in Six-Max games compared to DYM's though!
I think it maybe lower stakes players have a smaller bankroll, they play for fun an dthey want their £20 BR to last at a long time.
Someone in a £11 or £22 DYM probably has a larger bankroll, plays more agressively and doesn't mind putting his money at risk, or even losing as they know/hope over time they will win more DYM's than they lose.
Play 3 £2.25 DYM's win 2 lose 1 you end up with just £1.25 profit. An bearing in mind these low stakes DYM's can take an hour each you maybe better at £5.50 or above if you're looking to grind them.
The higher you move, the more game selection (sharkscoping people already regged helps) will seriously help your winate, whereas @ £5s or under, I'd be happy just regging any DYM without even looking in the lobby.
Give yourself a little challenge, go play 6 £1.15 DYM's..let us now the result....
You teach me how to sports trade and I'll teach you poker
I find I can play over 4 MTTS comfortably and 6 cash tables comfortably but find that I can only play 3 DYMs comfortably. I think this is because they are formulaic and that they reach a crunch point pretty quickly. You also need to be very stack size aware. I find that at four tables, I start to lose comfort with this.
Unless it is just me.