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The 24 Hour Pokerthon Wrap Party...

SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,708
edited December 2013 in Poker Chat
This is a thank you to everyone, but first...

In October of 2011 I bleached my hair and goatee bright pink, and managed to raise £1,100 for a local cancer charity called CLAN by doing so. CLAN had helped support one of my work colleagues, who had been battling cancer for a couple of years at that time. She was beating it, they said. She was in remission. And then all of a sudden, she wasn't, and it got hold of her...

...and there were still flecks of pink in my hair when I attending her funeral a couple of months later.

In all honesty, on a personal level, 2011 was a terrible year for me. I didn't know what to do to make it better, and I didn't want to carry on feeling the way I did. Raising money for charity may seem like a noble and selfless thing to do, but for me - in that instance - it was at least in part an attempt to stop the rot, as they say, and make me feel like the year had not been a complete turkey. Maybe, if I could help others I could somehow help myself too.

I still don't know if that's a good reason to raise money, or if it's somehow... dirty, but for those few months when I was collecting funds and gaining momentum, it did help. I quickly realised I was doing something worthwhile, and somewhere along the line I forgot about my own little world, and focused on helping others.

£1,100 isn't all that much really, I know that. Will it save anyone's life? Probably not. But I took some kind of solace from the fact that I helped get that money to the right people, so it could (hopefully) do good things. Justified or not, I saw that as validation, and 2011 wound up being not so bad after all.

As it happens, 2013 has not been a great year for me either, so when I read about Larson7 on the forum, mentioning the desire to do something for charity, I didn't really hesitate. I sent him a message, and the whole thing was organised very shortly thereafter. I didn't think of the logistics of it - I knew we could work the details out as we progressed - because all I was concerned about was making sure I could look back on 2013 and take something positive away from it. So again, my reasons going in were perhaps questionable.

But now I have arrived on the other side of the twenty-four hour poker marathon, and I see from the donation page that people have given in excess of £1,000 for Cancer Research UK, and that they have mostly done so without me having to resort to blackmail or compromising photographs. It's overwhelming, given the narrow timescale, and the proximity to Christmas, but it proves that in the right environment, and with the right people, a good cause will always be supported, no matter what.

So yes, this is a thank you to everyone here who has given generously of their money over the last couple of months, or spent time with Kevin and I on the tables this weekend, or even if you were just there railing us throughout the adventure. I don't want to name-check, because I will miss someone out, but both of us appreciate your support very much, because we could not have done this without you.

This is a fantastic community of very good and decent people, and I am proud to be a part of it; and thanks in no small part to you all, I will remember 2013 as a good year.



  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited December 2013
    Nice one Brian

    Have you slept yet?
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited December 2013

    It was a phenenomenal amount of money raised, I had no idea at the start it would be even possible.

    I was astounded when we surpassed the £1k mark.

    To echo Slipwater, thanks to everyone!

  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,708
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: The 24 Hour Pokerthon Wrap Party...:
    Nice one Brian Have you slept yet?
    Posted by VespaPX
    I slept for ninety minutes, but kept hearing the sound of chips being passed across the table away from me, which kept me from sleeping any longer...

  • VickiPKRVickiPKR Member Posts: 155
    edited December 2013
    Well done guys and a fantastic amount of money raised, an on lighter note...

    I have had a fantastic year, 
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited December 2013
    Very well done, it was an honour to play a tiny part and not for one moment does anyone think £1000 is not a lot of money!! It is fantastic to do it once, but twice is **** brilliant!!

    Well done both of you.

    PS. Im sure all you will dream about is Larson stealing your blinds and that god **** poker alert for your turn!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,800
    edited December 2013

    In the very words of William Shakespeare, it was a fine thing wot you did.
  • somersomer Member Posts: 91
    edited December 2013

    You’re a good man Brian - I wish you a great 2014+
    Well done the pair of you.

  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited December 2013
    Great effort, great result.

    I hope for your sanity's sake that you did not have the table sounds activated.
  • deadeyeddeadeyed Member Posts: 24
    edited December 2013
    well done lads
  • DiminuendoDiminuendo Member Posts: 222
    edited December 2013
    WD guys
  • IrishRoseIrishRose Member Posts: 1,663
    edited December 2013
    I think you're both fab to have donated your time and effort into the fundraising.  You did very well to raise so much - and to stay awake!!!

    Hope you both have a well deserved rest now - you deserve it.
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited December 2013
    VWP Sirs!!!

    Just Donated, Sry Lads missed this as busy!

    Have promoted this now on Our HitSquad Forum!

    [I Have Also Promoted In Our 'Friends of Sky Poker' Facebook Group, All Friends Welcome, 200 Members Now!

    Sky Haters are Banned, lol, I'm on the Door!! kiddin!

    All respectful opinions welcome, just we dont take any Silly Bo&&ox!!!

    pls pm me if you interested, or look us up!!

  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited December 2013
    Raised: 94%
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited December 2013
    .........Another 6% please Community!!!
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,708
    edited December 2013
    It has been an astounding response from members of this community. I never expected to reach £1,200, but now we have done that, and I have promises from friends who have yet to open their wallets :)

    Thanks again for your time, money, and support.
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