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should i check the turn for deception knowing that A2345 is likely?

craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
edited December 2013 in The Poker Clinic
I didn't have much reads on the villain at the time of this hand as I was fairly new to the table although i think he was an aggressive type having seen how this hand was played so far.
if he was the passive type I wouldn't have expected him to cbet with unpaired broad cards and if he had a premium pair i would have been probably raise on the flop.

my attempt on the flop was to try a semi bluff because with such low cards on the flop normally a set looks a common hand to check raise with.
it's then when the turn gives 2 that I wonder if a check is worth attempting because with 2345 if he did put me on a set it would h now has a good chance to attempt a bluff representing that A.
craigcu12 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £20.44
pod1 Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £12.57
  Your hole cards
  • 6
  • 6
seanypud Fold     
xRaise  £0.30 £0.45 £24.74
longman912 Fold     
topchip Call  £0.30 £0.75 £41.24
craigcu12 Call  £0.25 £1.00 £20.19
pod1 Fold     
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
craigcu12 Check     
xBet  £0.75 £1.75 £23.99
topchip Fold     
craigcu12 Raise  £2.00 £3.75 £18.19
xCall  £1.25 £5.00 £22.74
  • 2
craigcu12 ?


  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited December 2013
    Keep betting Craig, get value from so many hands.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited December 2013
    no - you bet
    you are hoping he has an A and if thinks you have a set he will need to raise you
    you want to be playing for stacks
    if he has missed - you lose him but you won't get much extra even if he bluffs
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited December 2013
    No craig! You want him to have the Ace which will be a big part of his range, and you want to make him pay with his ace.

    Bet £4 ish and ship a safe river card.
  • thejudge10thejudge10 Member Posts: 465
    edited December 2013
    bet bet bet
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2013
    Dunno why you think you're semi bluffing the flop. Semi bluffing (or any bluffing) suggests you think you can make a hand better than yours fold... I can't see any straights/sets/2pr or 77+ folding here, so as a semi bluff it's majorly flawed. Doing it for value is fine though imo.

    FWIW, he isn't gonna just purely put you on sets... you could c/r that flop with all sorts of 2overs + FDs, some overpairs, flopped straights, maybe even the odd 2pr.

    As above, just bet bet bet for value.
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