Hey every1!
I know people complain a lot when they get bad beats are running bad.
Just a quick question, does anyone just get fed up with poker?
Kinda have been feeling that way this week, probably because of Saturday.
I've hardly played at all, and it's just been MTT's and ive not played optimally, pretty sure it would be fair to say!
Anyone ever feel like that/?
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The thing is if people have a hobby say fishing sports etc its usually once a week or maybe twice. Poker is something people tend to do more often I would guess at least 3 times a week minimum so it's understandable if you get a bit bored.
How do Larson!
Yeah, regularly. Best thing? Just have a break. Enjoy some other things and you will want to play again soon.
Sitting in front of a screen for hours, no matter what you’re doing, you will start to feel bored/drained etc etc. It’s a game of fun so when you aren’t enjoying it just don’t play.
You don’t have to play all the time.
In any other hobby in life, if you aren’t enjoying it you would stop until you start to enjoy it again. Poker should be no different.
Have you ever considered getting a JOB? I know that's a diirty word around here.
Thanks everyone.
Truthfully, i've been playing terrible.
Probably will take a break.
@ Jac, might give live play a go again, just annoying having to drive into the town and the games dont really start till 11!