We are looking at doing some eductional / strategy features on Sky Poker TV on areas that people would like to improve on. So, is there anything you would like us to cover and why?
Are there any hands or spots that you struggle with?
position such a crucial tool in ya game i wouldnt mind more features of playing weak hands but in position n still win pots as position is key Posted by IDONKCALLU
Am I right to think you consider position is important IDCU?
Playing either passive or aggressive players OOP. We all know position is key but you cant always play pots in posisiton so learning how to play OOP is vital, especially at 6 max which SkyPoker is!
whatever you choose though please put plenty of notices on the website for those of us who can't visit as often as they would like anymore
bet sizing and being able to read the passive types post flop.
the last few weeks I've had lots of spots where i am either winning small pots but loosing big ones, last nights main had 2 prime examples.