Hey greggo all I can say is that the standard of live poker is truley awful compared to online, we no the standard is not the best on sky but there are still some top top players even at microstakes so therefore the game will be harder to beat over time, not taking anything away from your game btw mate, maybe you just need to pick your spots a little bit better, try reviewing your hand histories and seeing if you played bad in certain spots, im the most spewy player on the planet, so when I do check my HH I find countless mistakes that are costing me a ton of money, anyways hope u get it right mate gl........ Posted by K8LOU
Excellent post. The online world is full of people obsessed by poker, who study it, and do everything they can to get better. Live has these players too, but also has a lot of people who don't trust online, gamblers, older players etc. it's definitely softer in that environment. As a guide, online cash NL10 is about the same as NL100 live. If you learn to beat on,one poker you will probably find your live game gets a bit more profitable too. I would start posting some hands in the poker clinic and go from there.