Fran R: Hi, my name is Fran R. How may I help you? Victoria ****: I received a phonecall from sky bet/poker today. they haventt rang back was it genuine? Fran R: What was the call regarding please? Victoria ****: my account
In Response to Re: Strangephone call from Sky poker/bet? : many players on this site including myself are very good friends with top bosses at sky, i could have your full name and address with in the hour if i wanted to!!! Posted by THEROCK573
In Response to Re: Strangephone call from Sky poker/bet? : many players on this site including myself are very good friends with top bosses at sky, i could have your full name and address with in the hour if i wanted to!!! Posted by THEROCK573
Fran R: Can I take your mother's maiden name and the name of your school please? Victoria ****: *************** Fran R: Great thank you, ok there are no notes on your account, was there a specific issue that they talked about? Victoria ****: Strangephone call from Sky poker/bet? : many players on this site including myself are very good friends with top bosses at sky, i could have your full name and address with in the hour if i wanted to!!! Posted by THEROCK573 Victoria ****: also a sky player posted this on the sky fourms
Threatening me as a woman you can get my name and a ddress is a little to wierd, I have reported to police, AND YES I HAVE, I had a terriying problem with a stalker ex-boyfriend.
I have requested immediate closure of mmy account and all details deleted. If your intention was to scare/frighten me..well done it worked.
Threatening me as a woman you can get my name and a ddress is a little to wierd, I have reported to police, AND YES I HAVE, I had a terriying problem with a stalker ex-boyfriend. I have requested immediate closure of mmy accout and all details deleted Posted by VickiPKR
Victoria ****: why has a user said he can get my details? I am now affraid for me safety Fran R: This user said this specifically to you? No one can get your details without you giving them to them.
SOMEONE FROM SKY PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a strange phonecall now THEROCK is telling mE he has my details, the police will be out within 20 minutes!!!! this is horrible.
Threatening me as a woman you can get my name and a ddress is a little to wierd, I have reported to police, AND YES I HAVE, I had a terriying problem with a stalker ex-boyfriend. I have requested immediate closure of mmy account and all details deleted. If your intention was to scare/frighten me..well done it worked. Posted by VickiPKR
Surely if this is your personal situation you would think first before posting details of a private phonecall and private customer care chatlog on a public forum????
Victoria ****: yes i will its on the forum in the poker chat section Fran R: Ok do not worry as stated he would not be able to get your details. Fran R: Please disregard any phone from us and never give your PIN number to anyone. Victoria ****: THEROCK573 is his name, I have rang the police.
Threatening me as a woman you can get my name and a ddress is a little to wierd, I have reported to police, AND YES I HAVE, I had a terriying problem with a stalker ex-boyfriend. I have requested immediate closure of mmy account and all details deleted. If your intention was to scare/frighten me..well done it worked. Posted by VickiPKR
lol you really are dumb if you think anybody could get your details from a poker site, its called a joke chill out, you have most likely upset a neighbour if your posts are anything to go by!!! do you honestly think sky poker members have nothing better to do than to try and find the wareabouts of venter, do me a favour love!!!
A member of this forum as come on here and asked for help, with a genuine question. Yet every post in reply to op as been abusive or sarcastic. you should be utterly ashamed of yourselves
A member of this forum as come on here and asked for help, with a genuine question. Yet every post in reply to op as been abusive or sarcastic. you should be utterly ashamed of yourselves Regards Alan Posted by ajmilton
cmon alan have aword with yourself, this is pure attention seeking from the first origianal post all th way to the the phoning th police post, if you are taken in by this then more fool you!!
A member of this forum as come on here and asked for help, with a genuine question. Yet every post in reply to op as been abusive or sarcastic. you should be utterly ashamed of yourselves Regards Alan Posted by ajmilton
In Response to Re: Strangephone call from Sky poker/bet? : cmon alan have aword with yourself, this is pure attention seeking from the first origianal post all th way to the the phoning th police post, if you are taken in by this then more fool you!! Posted by THEROCK573
if that's the case fine, I don't mined looking the fool. If its all just banter between you guys that's ok otherwise my statement stands ( I have had quite a bit of whiskey you know )
Victoria ****: I received a phonecall from sky bet/poker today. they haventt rang back was it genuine?
Fran R: What was the call regarding please?
Victoria ****: my account
Victoria ****: ***************
Fran R: Great thank you, ok there are no notes on your account, was there a specific issue that they talked about?
Victoria ****: Strangephone call from Sky poker/bet? : many players on this site including myself are very good friends with top bosses at sky, i could have your full name and address with in the hour if i wanted to!!!
Posted by THEROCK573
Victoria ****: also a sky player posted this on the sky fourms
I have requested immediate closure of mmy account and all details deleted. If your intention was to scare/frighten me..well done it worked.
Fran R: This user said this specifically to you? No one can get your details without you giving them to them.
Fran R: Ok do not worry as stated he would not be able to get your details.
Fran R: Please disregard any phone from us and never give your PIN number to anyone.
Victoria ****: THEROCK573 is his name, I have rang the police.
Yet every post in reply to op as been abusive or sarcastic.
you should be utterly
ashamed of yourselves
Regards Alan
If its all just banter between you guys that's ok
otherwise my statement stands ( I have had quite a bit of whiskey you know )
Regards Alan