I have been late Xmas shopping today for the wife's last prezzie which is the soundtrack to les miserables(you gotta watch that film) anyway I digress,the really really annoying thing is I. Have now come to wrap it up and I am at this moment in time trying to find the end of the see through Sellotape Of course this seemingly simple task is now as difficult as trying to get the camel through the eye of a needle or summat,aforementioned wife was the last person to use it and however many times I say just fold the end over it falls on deaf ears!methinks she may be doing it because she loves me and knows I like a good moan,how caring is that.ioh I forgot this is the poker forum thingy so best post some poker related topic on,we used to have a poker to stoke our fire when I wer a lad,there that covers that one.have a happy and peacefully Xmas all.
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Another thing that is tilting is people in the supermarket that should not be allowed trollies!
Have a good one.