late registered for the mini bounty sky cannot launch the table shunter and yet again i am down 45 chips before i even start because sky cannot launch the table promptly i have brought this up with sky but as usual was fobbed off with a lot of carp they really need to sort it out maybe sky just does not care about its customers
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if that fails phone 999 and report it as theft!
If you are NOT accustomed to this type of thing then I would suggest you register before the tournie starts.
Best of Luck
have a great xmas 1 and all
Having said this I have not had this happen to me and there may be more to this problem than meets the eye if this is so then the OP deserves at very least to be taken seriously IMHO.
Have a great Christmas everybody.
Soz guys & OP - I may have had a few sherry's when I posted - in fact I was pretty wasted at the time, but it really does boil my skin when I see a post titled "sky incompetence" - that in itself I felt was very harsh.
Merry Christmas Everyone - BaaaHumbug