just finished 86th in ukops 4 - had an absolute blast - took 2 heads for 75 quid in total and i satellited in for 20 POINTS - absolutely over the moon!!!!!!!
Think you might have been a bit harsh b4 the break when analyzing the play of marmite and his A8 hand because you failed to take into account his alias during the play and with that added to the mix there will be players who loved his play aswell as those who hated it but no inbetween
Also just want to apologize to Ross for not speaking to him at our table last night, i wasnt been ignorant mate i was on a few tables and didnt notice your chat until after you left the table.
LOL - Nice Stitch Up!!! Thanks Rich - ALAS - I will be out. Please award it to someone else more deserving. I want a beer from you my friend! Regards Pen Fifteen Posted by PenFifteen
Ha! You're in the following Tuesday's turbo open. You're welcome!
dark4knight Sumner0754 Mr Johno Pen fifteen Peter 27 All of the above won seats into tomorrow night's turbo open. Thanks and good luck! Posted by RICHORFORD
Thanks Richard :-)
It's my favourite event on Sky Poker, can't wait!!
dark4knight Sumner0754 Mr Johno Pen fifteen Peter 27 All of the above won seats into tomorrow night's turbo open. Thanks and good luck! Posted by RICHORFORD
Thanks Richard. Hope you and Ross have a great NYE and thanks again for the advice.
Think you might have been a bit harsh b4 the break when analyzing the play of marmite and his A8 hand because you failed to take into account his alias during the play and with that added to the mix there will be players who loved his play aswell as those who hated it but no inbetween
Also just want to apologize to Ross for not speaking to him at our table last night, i wasnt been ignorant mate i was on a few tables and didnt notice your chat until after you left the table.
Have a good new year
Lifelong dream realised.
P.S - Richard - How did Darth Vader announce that he knew what Luke Skywalker was getting for Christmas?
2014 will be the year I fail to win another tournament.
Happy new year guys.
great show as always
in the £5k side from a freeroll (10 days ago)
hears hoping
fingers crossed
It's my favourite event on Sky Poker, can't wait!!
Please elect my place to someone more deserving