Best idea here,take 450 pound up town tomorrow buy a ps4 if u can afford it no need to waste your money on poker or grind away for a prise that is so cheap to buy and also u get to play it tomorrow instead of waiting 2 months SIMPLES
Best idea here,take 450 pound up town tomorrow buy a ps4 if u can afford it no need to waste your money on poker or grind away for a prise that is so cheap to buy and also u get to play it tomorrow instead of waiting 2 months SIMPLES Posted by CHILLIE
Cool story bro! Great idea op start another thread on it!
Best idea here,take 450 pound up town tomorrow buy a ps4 if u can afford it no need to waste your money on poker or grind away for a prise that is so cheap to buy and also u get to play it tomorrow instead of waiting 2 months SIMPLES Posted by CHILLIE
Some people make money playing poker chillie. Others play for free.
In Response to ps4 promo : Some people make money playing poker chillie. Others play for free. Some people lose. Unblock your skope for a tenner Posted by DOHHHHHHH
don't u get bored of the same ? I know I would,could of sworn sky put up a post about ss being talked about on sky,guess some don't listen......................
Some people lose.
Unblock your skope for a tenner