Hi All (This is not a Diary)
Recently I have built up a sizeable BR and this month I have gained around 1500 points so about £15 in sky rewards.
I have only ever dabbled a little in cash now and again as I rather play MTTs and STTs.
But would like to start playing a little more. So was thinking of playing cash with my bonus when it comes in but would like to research and read up more on it.
Since I have £15 coming I am only allowing myself 4 BIs at 4nl just perhaps playing 2 tables. I aim to play these along side the happy hours just to try and get a few more points. I do not mind losing this £15 as it is a bonus after all but would like to at least double it. If it works out I might do this with my bonus every month.
Could anyone give me a few tips to get me started. I am thinking tight is the best.
Also I remember a while back Mr Dohhhhhh had a good blog on how to play low stake cash games does anyone have a link to this.
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I didn't say I wanted to generate 1500 points by doing this. I gained 1500 pts playing this month so I have 15 quid coming.
I don't have to deposit as my BR is healthy. I will be playing my normal DYMs to hopefully keep my BR going upward.
I just wanna try cash as I never really play it. If I lose my 4 BIs I will continue to play my normal pokers (Dyms and MTTS)
played with you before 3.30 BH you put me out in 4th, you got lucky with that AK vrs my A10 lol
been reading your posts keep up the good work.
Like you in the past I have built up bankroll splaying STTs and MTTs - I have also managed to lose them playing NL cash.
I totally empathise with the desire to branch out and try new things - just be sensible and disciplined with the bankroll and don't expect too much with 4 BIs.
When I fancied a change from my STT challenge I found PLO8/Omaha STTs an interesting diversion.
NL Cash can be brutal - you want to be playing for stacks as favourite in a hand but that can be very very swingy!
Good luck.
Well done on buildin a good bankroll.
I would set aside £40 quid, 10 bi's for 2 tabling 4nl, just gives you a bit more leverage.
If you stick to your game as it is you will do abosultely fine.
Play tight and aggressive, and when you are starting out i'd say keep bluffing to a mininimum.
Good luck
Tried tonight
I don't know if I enjoyed it
I actually enjoy DYMs a lot of people find them boring and think its not poker.
But anyway so just have around 14 quid left to have a dabble.
To Gerardirl
Been having a little rough patch with DYMs especially the 3.30s think I lost like 9 in a row. So wanted try something else just on the side. Bit of a dent on the 5.50s but they are now back on track.