Why is sky poker so corrupt? I know no customers will read this as you banned me. But why make it so obviously corrupt?
Sky's RNG is not random and you know it, you actually know its not random, eventually BskyB will be sold, probably to Vodaphone and everyone at skypoker will be booted out the Skynews building and will be down the job centre.
Its so obvious you're all desperate to keep your jobs so you try to make out Skypoker forums are a good thing but they're the worst thing about skypoker. I have emailed Jeremy.Darroch@bskyb.com complaining about skypoker fourms so many times.
The new "unofficial Skypoker" forums start soon and the facebook page has over 1500 memebers. Bending over so Lambert10 can f0ok your 4ss must get boring? Anyone who has reverse engineered your poker software can see it is made for you to see and control every table you want to. You can even delay th card drops.
Just admitt the **** thing is fixed ya morrons lol.