feeling a bit let down today by sky. i played a sat for the 20k roller semi saying it was for 6pm. won my seat only to find out it was for 3pm. unfortunately i'm at work at this time and can't play this game so i contact customer services and they agree to register me for a diffrent game but not the 6pm sat i should be in, instead they put me into a direct at 5:20 telling me they can't put me into 6pm game that i won a seat for. happy they can move my game but feel a bit let down it's not the game i wanted to or qualified for.
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You could demand a full payment of five times the amount of the buy-in you paid, as that is the amount you won. If that would be preferable to the 5.20 satellite, I'd suggest you get back onto them about it. You agreed to pay your buy-in in return for a chance to play the 6pm satellite. Essentially you agreed to a contract which the other party has reneged on.
You aren't entitled to the 6pm satellite, though, if the value of that buy-in is greater than the amount you "won" in the earlier satellite.
In future, always register for the target tournament before playing a satellite. It wouldn't have helped you here but it's good practice.
When you play a satellite, you win amount X and agree to put that amount into another tournament. If the OP is giving an accurate description, he gave his agreement for amount X to be put into the 6pm tournament, not this 5.20 one. It's not Sky's money to move around as they please. The OP won it and has total ownership of it. If Sky wish to renege on entering him for the 6pm tournament, he is entitled to a full payment of the amount he has already won.
If the two tournaments are of the same value, it's utterly ridiculous for the OP not to be entered into the 6pm tournament - That's the tournament he agreed to enter.
It's not an arguable point.