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Live on Sky Poker TV at 7pm- the £20,000 SuperRoller with Rich and Reds ***official show thread

edited January 2014 in Poker Chat




Yep, Christmas is over for another year, the decorations are coming down and we're off and running into a new year of playing on Sky and watching Sky Poker TV.

And of course, we have a live 5 hour show for you tonight on Channel 861, where due to popular demand, our flagship monthly tournament has gone from monthly to weekly in 2014!



The £20,000 Super Roller!



Hosting your show will be Richard Orford and Redmond Lee. Be warned- I might still be wearing my Xmas jumper as it's now the only thing that still fits me!



And here’s the plan of action:




7pm – 8pm

The conclusion to the £12K Sky Sports Bounty Hunter from Thursday night.

8pm – midnight

LIVE coverage of tonight's main event- the £20,000 Super Roller, interspersed with spells of live action from the Mastercash tables.

Don't forget to keep firing in your hand ids so we can show everyone else what's going on of interest on your table in the main event and TV cash tables!



The contact points for all your banter, questions and hand requests?

Right here, on this thread. Via email or via Twitter #skypoker

As for tonight's side-question:


   What are you already doing this year that's different to last year?



For example- Have you changed your game to be more aggressive? Are you now frequenting the DYM tables instead of SNGs? Are you taking shots at a higher cash level? Are you defending your blinds much less than before? What's changed since the year started for you?

We've got TURBO TUESDAY MAIN EVENT SEATS to give away to the best messages tonight! So get writing!

Looking forward to your answers and see you at 7!



  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited January 2014
    So what are we going to see from 10-12, or is that something Sky is "already doing different in 2014"?
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Live on Sky Poker TV at 7pm- the £20,000 SuperRoller with Rich and Reds ***official show thread***:
    So what are we going to see from 10-12, or is that something Sky is "already doing different in 2014"?
    Posted by FCHD

    Lol! Typo there, FCHD. Now amended, cheers.
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited January 2014

    Right, 3 hours to the show and we've got seats to give away to Tuesday's Turbo main event for the best messages on the thread or emailed in tonight.

    Don't forget the question:

    What are you already doing this year that's different to last year?   For example- Have you changed your game to be more aggressive? Are you now frequenting the DYM tables instead of SNGs? Are you taking shots at a higher cash level? Are you defending your blinds much less than before? What's changed since the year started for you?

    Or maybe, you've got a funny non-poker answer to the question?

    Either way, fire them in- these Turbo seats are burning a hole in my pocket!
  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited January 2014
    What are you already doing this year that's different to last year

    Committing less to premium hands in satellites.

    So many times in previous years. I've found myself in pole position approaching the bubble. I find pairs of jacks, queens, kings, or aces in  the hole.
    Shorter stacks shove, I call, then as if by magic, the river card nuts me in the nether regions and within a few hands i'm dreaming of what might have been!

    This year I've been folding more and letting the shorter stacks fight it out.
    Sounds silly but i've improved my success rate!

    Up until now, I'd played my best poker in "All In satellites" lol
  • keithdalykeithdaly Member Posts: 183
    edited January 2014
    Hey guys have a great show tonight I won't be watching as I'm baby sitting so figured I'd get mine in early 

    This year I will be focusing more on dym and mtts instead of cash games never really played them so I'm going to hope for the best oh and I'm going to control my bank balance this year as well 

    Rich what if WBA bought suarez from liverpool and/or won the prem what would you do?

  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited January 2014
    Nice, thanks Dunmisdosh. Let's have some more please.

    And don't forget to stick the telly on Channel 861 or fire up the live stream on the website at 7pm. We'll be LIVE!
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited January 2014
    First thing I want to say is very well done to doubleaaa on winning the truth or bluff ukpc seat.  A very well deserved winner.

    What am I doing different this year?  Proper BRM!  I had a nice little score yesterday.  I got into the mini via the freeroll and came 3rd for just over £200.  As my bankroll was £1.51 before this it is a massive improvement!  I have taken £100 out as it is both my girls birthdays in the next week, Sienna will be 7 on the 11th and Jasmine 6 on the 16th.  I now have a 50 buy in roll for the £2 tournies and I WILL be exercising good BRM for once in my life.  That means no entering sats for the main until I have 100x roll and no entering £5 or £10 BH's just because I feel like it!

    Best of luck to everyone in the roller tonight.  Run well and have fun.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,707
    edited January 2014
    What am I doing differently this year, Rich? Well, for starters, asking people to repeat what they have said because I can't really hear them the first time. And secondly, I'm glad you asked the question in 72 point, because had it been any smaller I'd probably not have been able to read it :)
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited January 2014
    Since 2014 began, I feel like my play has massively improved. I'm now playing slightly more aggressively, but the biggest adjustment to my game has been taking position into consideration much more and this has allowed me to win more pots and increase my stack more consistently during an MTT.
  • gruntexgruntex Member Posts: 96
    edited January 2014
    in 2014 i am trying not to hang on to premium pairs on dangerous board and remeber they are just 1 pair, too many times i have gone out on premium cards like aces kings and queens on danger boards where i should have folded
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2014
    Hi - can I have a hand request? 

    From Master Cash 22 - ID 728941041

    Card blockers please. Villian that 5x's has either limped or 5x a lot. I flat in position as he alwasy pot bets the flop which he does but I have another very good player who calls pre also. I call his expected pot bet but I am more wary when the 2nd player also calls. 

    He then over bet shoves on another safe looking card. I'm not sure if I should be calling or folding like I did. I see this a lot with JJ but as he's been very active I really dont know!!
  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,573
    edited January 2014
    Still the same,being reckless and aggressive at times,donking out!

    On a serious note ,will have to be very strict with BRM.

    I know I can do it!

    It starts today!

    Have a good show!
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited January 2014

    what I am doing that is different to last year is quite simple,

    this year I am watching and supporting a Newcastle united team that is battling for European places.
    toon army.

    in poker I'm being less results orientated.

    edited January 2014
    Hiya Rich and Redmond,
    Nice to see you both back for another year.

    The year started differently for me, as my family and I went on a mini cruise up the North Sea.  We called in at Zeebrugge and spent New Years Eve in Amsterdam.  Unfortunately one of the passengers fell overboard and was lost at sea.  On the up side, his wife decided she didn't want to take his luggage home so she auctioned off his belongings.  I managed to get a nearly new pair of pyjamas for just £2.  Result!  So this year I am going to take advantage of any bits of good luck that come my way, not just in poker but in life generally.
    Happy New Year,

    Geof Walker (MISTERWIN)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2014
    Hi Rich and Redmond, could I please have the hand above analysed? Thanks.
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited January 2014
    What am I doing differently in 2014?

    Because I am now back in full-time employment, I am now playing a lot more in the evenings than the afternoons, the reverse of my previous poker habits. Not going too well so far, but hopefully it will pick up soon.

    Of course, this means I can't play the £2.20 @ 2:20 very often, before Rainman asks!
  • karllukekarlluke Member Posts: 914
    edited January 2014
    instead of reraising this hand do you think i should have just called?
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,646
    edited January 2014
    What are you already doing this year that's different to last year?

    1. I'm NOT shaving this year!
    2. I'm NOT playing the 2:20 @2:20!
    3. I'm playing low pairs! (Daniel Negreanu eat ya heart out!)
    4. I'm calling 3 xbet raises from, TommyD,Coxylboro, Tikay & especially RYRY!
    5. I'm looking forward to next year!  (You had to think about that one eh?)

    Awful show as always! (It's a negative thing ? Right?) 

  • karllukekarlluke Member Posts: 914
    edited January 2014
    it is from the roller

  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited January 2014
    Good evening Mr Orford and Mr redmond.
    I would consider it an honour if both of you could join in the £2.20 @2.20 any afternoon you have spare.
    Mr Orford you can prove to everybody that it wasnt a fluke but pure class last time.
    All the best
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