Cheers for adding us! Was a fun few tournys. Im listed as hit-jams and was just wondering if anyone could explain what it is cause I don't have a clue?
Cheers for adding us! Was a fun few tournys. Im listed as hit-jams and was just wondering if anyone could explain what it is cause I don't have a clue? Posted by ChezSplit
Used to be called pressganging i beleive.LOL, no wonder there are so many squaddies, most don't even know they have joined.
Cheers for adding us! Was a fun few tournys. Im listed as hit-jams and was just wondering if anyone could explain what it is cause I don't have a clue? Posted by ChezSplit
Many Thanks to Michael DTW, David boxster & admins!!
Forum DTD Team Points scored as follows....
Forum DTD Team Result Jan 14, Week 1
Team Runners Wins TeamPts LeaguePts
HitSquad Jams 20 - 13 7
HitSquad Donks 12 1 12 6
Team 51 3 - 8 5
Poker Titans 23 - 7 4
Dragons 4 - 6 3
Diamond 4 1 4 2
BringIT 1 - 0 1
Knight Poker 4 - 0 0
Ninja Plonkers 1 - 0 0
6 Different Teams, [&Sam25 X], made Top Ten & DTD Points VWP All !!!