As I start to type this post there there are around 550 players left from 1679 qualifiers in the Cash Giveaway, so that's around 90 tables. Studying the lobby I have identified 9 tables at which all 6 players are sitting out with the blinds going around in circles.
With 300 spots played it looks very likely some of these tables will survive well beyond the money bubble. There's even a small chance that the table draw may mean that a table at which all six players are sitting out could be one of the final two tables, locking up the lucky away players at that table £50+ each.
This can't be right and I feel a solution should be sought. The root of the problem is that all who qualified were pre-registered, hence the high proportion (about 50% when it started) of away players in the field.
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Good luck to the 18 players sitting out across three tables who are all running very deep!