Hand History #728641862 (23:25 04/01/2014)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexSmall blind £0.02£0.02£6.26ballboyBig blind £0.04£0.06£8.33 Your hole cardsQ4 donal1970Fold Phil_I_AmFold cain82Fold xCall £0.02£0.08£6.24ballboyCheck Flop 8J3 xBet £0.08£0.16£6.16ballboyCall £0.08£0.24£8.25Turn A xBet £0.04£0.28£6.12ballboyRaise £0.20£0.48£8.05xRaise £0.80£1.28£5.32ballboyCall £0.64£1.92£7.41River 6 xAll-in £5.32£7.24£0.00
Pretty interesting hand above.
Do people think this is more a call or a fold?
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Raise more on the turn. Why is 20p better than 40p?
What range do we think the villain 3-bets on this turn? We beat the Jack and even poor players are going to be afraid that the King or Queen is out. I don't think the Jack 3-bets.
Don't blame you for calling the 3-bet to be honest but I think there are decent arguments to fold there and then. Definitely folding to the river overshove without having seen the villain overvalue hands before. I don't think it's enough to only beat bluffs here.
I had in my mind at this point a figure which I would call in my head and if his bet exceeded that figure I would assume he is making an attempt to "push me off a cliff" so to speak having only the King of clubs. I don't think he can bet with this much vigour and confidence with any other club. I could be completely wrong, but its a play many people make where he feels I have a large club and he is taking a cheap shot at trying to obtain my whole stack with a few clicks of a button. Fortunately I didn't oblige here.
He bet the turn, then re-raised you. He is telling you he has the king.