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NL4 Thread...April 2014... current b/r £74.03 (from £20 deposit)



  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: NL4 Thread...February 2014... current b/r £104.48 target £200:
    WD Dev getting past the £100 mark. Personally i,d play more than 1 table when you decide to move up but thats just personal preference although i have to admit when i play MTT,s if i get to an FT i won,t load up anymore games and try and concentrate fully on that one when any other games have finished GL with the next milestone in your diary P
    Posted by MP33
    Thanks Paul,
                       yes mate, i'll start off playing 1 table, as I did at nl4, then if I win a few buy-ins around 5, i'll add the 2nd.

    You know me though Paul, can't see me playing 2 forever. he he.
    I've even taken away my second monitor today as it's no longer needed... now that's progress :)
    cheers mate, be lucky,
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: NL4 Thread...February 2014... current b/r £104.48 target £200:
    Hardly play cash but over the last couple of weeks I have been trying it out. Mainly playing 10nl capped and I am up a few quid, only play them for a little change to DYMs to break it up.
    Posted by stuarty117
    well done on being in profit mate, that's an achievement in itself, as the 2 games are like 'chalk & cheese'
    are you enjoying it, or finding it a bit of a struggle?
    I found it really hard last year, when I first started playing nl10, and if I'm honest, didn't really enjoy it at all.
    I guess moving away from your comfort zone and suddenly finding yourself not winning anymore, came as a bit of a shock to the system, maybe., for me anyway I mean.
    I'm totally hooked on playing cash now though, and starting off at the bottom, with no bankroll is a real challenge for me.
    I wonder if you will make the change too :)
    DYM's are good, don't get me wrong, and much money can be made playing them, as I'm sure you know, but they are hard work, or at least that's how I found it to be in the end. playing up to 18 tables day in day out did take it's toll, and I was pretty much burnt out by the end.
    now playing 2 tables is so much more comfortable. ok I'm only winning small bucks atm, but imagine if I was playing 2xnl100 one day... anything is possible you know.. ok well almost anything is possible :)
    just look at how well Lambert180 is doing now... a great example for all of us.

    best wishes mate, whichever game you are playing,
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2014

    Thursday  6/2/14

    2xnl4  W £2.79   br £107.27

    another win so happy days again,
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2014

    Friday  7/2/14

    2xnl4   L £0.08   br £107.19

    only intended a short session... 7&1/2 hrs later, after being down all night, find myself 8p down, what a result :)
    still racking up the old points, now on 164  he he.

    bed time,
    night, dev
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    lol . Just 7 and a half hours. I,ve done it myself a few times. Got in last week and sat down to play an hour . Hardly moved for 6 hours . Easily done  (played on there myself tonight. There were a few tilters about - probably had something to with it being Friday night)
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2014

    Sunday 9/2/14
                           £2000 freeroll  no cash

    Monday 10/2/14  day off

    Tuesday  11/2/14

    7pm freeroll  no cash

    2xnl4  W £4.96   br £115.07   pts £1.50 to come

    another w so happy days. played solid no big dramas... just how I like it :)
    playing h/u 1st round tomorrow night, so looking forward to that 1, never played proper h/u game before, so should be interesting  :)
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2014

    Wednesday   13/2/14

    7pm freeroll  W £1.91

    h/up  1st round  W 3-1     W £1.80

    br £118.78

    had a good h/u match v tom281189. each game could have gone either way tbh, so the score line is a little flattering.
    very nice guy, and good banter throughout.

    early night, back on the cash trail tomorrow,
    night all,
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited February 2014
    Good steady progress. Always nice. Well done. 
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: NL4 Thread...February 2014... current b/r £118.78 target £200:
    Good steady progress. Always nice. Well done. 
    Posted by CraigSG1
    cheers Craig
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2014

    Thursday 13/2/14  day off

    Friday 14/2/14  day off

    Saturday  15/2/14

    2xnl4  W £0.35  br £119.13   pts £2.53 to come

    just the 13&1/2 hours straight today.
    down all day until the last 1/2 hour.
    wasn't going to let this session go without giving it my best shot :)
    felt like the world was against me today, sure you've all been there.
    anyway, better get some sleep now I guess,
  • DiminuendoDiminuendo Member Posts: 222
    edited February 2014
    Going along nice devon mate

    Its ok to book a loss sometimes though so you shouldnt feel as if you have to keep playing for hours on end just to make it a winning session because the tiredness could result in things getting alot worse.

    Good luck

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: NL4 Thread...February 2014... current b/r £119.13 target £200:
    Going along nice devon mate Its ok to book a loss sometimes though so you shouldnt feel as if you have to keep playing for hours on end just to make it a winning session because the tiredness could result in things getting alot worse. Good luck Kev
    Posted by Diminuendo
    Thanks Kev,
                      yeah I should have stopped much sooner but as I hadn't played for 2 days I felt really fresh, and you know what it's like sometimes when you go down, it then becomes a challenge to win it back he he.
    I'm sure I wouldn't have played anywhere near as long if I had been winning.
    turned out ok though, and if anything I think my game improved as the session went on, which is a surprise. :)
    found I got even more aggressive and luckily won a few nice hands towards the end, which did the trick.
    hope I can continue playing that way in my next session. i'll let you know.  he he.

    anyway, a 35p win looks a lot better than a £5-£10 losing session, which looked likely all day.
    I went through all the emotions yesterday, mostly bad, but somehow got through it.(it was a real test of character as much as anything,)even if I had lost £15-£20 it wouldn't have mattered, as I know I gave it my all.
    and that's the great thing about building up a bankroll from nothing, you are playing with 'free money'
    so it's never as bad as you think when you lose, I just look at 'the big picture' and everything is fine.  :)

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited February 2014
    Whats happened to this diary, devonfish? Hope you havent exploded, played a 50nl MC and lost the lot?! SOmething I would do anyway!!
  • _ARAZI__ARAZI_ Member Posts: 549
    edited March 2014
    No updates for a while

    Hope your well dev mate
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited April 2014
    ha ha Craig

    Hi Daz, i'm ok mate, thanks for asking... was just about to send you a PM as it goes...

    Needed some time off as I simply wasn't enjoying it, sure most of you have been there.
    so what happened was...

    Sunday 15/2/14 lost £18  nightmare session,nl4,  got AK allin on turn v k8 on kxx x board 8 on river ... £7.50 hand
                                                                           AK V AQ AIPF QXX X X  £8  hand  usual cr*p... which was the final straw, to say i wasn't happy is an understatement, how the idiots can play such rubbish is beyond me, let alone win with it, is just laughable sometimes.

    so withdrew the lot £101,  so not bad from £8 odd start, and haven't been here since.

    then the other day..

    had e-mail from Sky saying if i deposit £10 i get £20 free so just done that
    also found on my return i had £3.30 in my account from somewhere... maybe a Skybet darts bet came in, not sure,

    anyway now have £33.30 in my account... so what do i do?

    continue playing nl4 and hopefully rebuild? and continue with my original plan... to move up to nl10 at £200 b/r?
    go back to DYM's where i'm most comfortable, and build b/r?

    I'm really not sure what to do... i'm only here because of the £20 bonus really, not because i desperately want to play or need the money.

    any suggestions would be most welcome.

    don't suppose much has changed in a month and a half, has it?

    ps; Sorry Paul (Lambert180), for not playing 2nd rd H/U game, i do oppologise for that.

    all for now folks,
    hope you guys are all well and winning loads,
    best wishes,

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited April 2014
    Hi Dev
    Welcome back

    I've been playing PLO8 DYM's for a while now as i was getting stale at the Holdem ones.
    Give it a go its a great game.

    Oh and TK plays so there's some value !

    Gl fella
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: NL4 Thread...February 2014... current b/r £33.30:
    Hi Dev Welcome back I've been playing PLO8 DYM's for a while now as i was getting stale at the Holdem ones. Give it a go its a great game. Oh and TK plays so there's some value ! Gl fella
    Posted by VespaPX
    Thanks Mick,
    no idea how to play plo8 m8, i'd have to watch & learn from scratch... no point watching TK then  he he
    glad u r enjoying it though m8.
    be lucky

  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited April 2014
    Hi Devonfish, good to see you back!
    I've started a little April challenge, you are very welcome to join me!
    I started a thread about it - I have £50 and trying to make 50PP as many days as I can in April for the ipad promo (and make a profit hopefully!). Could be fun?
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: NL4 Thread...February 2014... current b/r £33.30:
    Hi Devonfish, good to see you back! I've started a little April challenge, you are very welcome to join me! I started a thread about it - I have £50 and trying to make 50PP as many days as I can in April for the ipad promo (and make a profit hopefully!). Could be fun?
    Posted by mrsduck
    Thanks mate,
    I'll leave you to win the ipad, i can only just spell it, no chance of working out how to use one!!!
    best of luck
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited April 2014
    Wed 2/4/14

    1xnl4 10 mins W £0.20  b/r £33.50

    had to stop to go to work...

    1xnl4  5 mins W £0.84   b/r £34.34

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