There were a few Cryptic quizes posted on here last month which although i enjoyed i was totally hopeless at so when this came up at a corparate dinner brainteaser, icebreackers thing though it might be intresting to post
Alot easier than previous quizes (i actually got most of them....but not all some i still dont know)
All answers are food or drink items
1. Wise Man
2. Made backwards
3. Raise your glass
4. Insignificant article
5. Off white
6. Sir Francis
7. Waits for no man
8. Fast ball game
9. Coward
10. Pa won't but...
11. Famous Ballerina
12. Motorway Junction
13. Kentish
14. Past Seven o'clock
15. Nominal rent
16. Fortyniner's Sweetheart
17. High pitched ponder
18. Fuel from theobroma cacao
19. Middle East glee
20. Winter buds in Belgium
21. Sleeping porkers
22. Stationary traffic
23. Radio amateur
24. B reast Crazy (no space but you know skys word filter)
25. Music for the feet
0 ·
21. pigs in blankets
3. toast
18: Cocoa or chocolate ??
25: Sole
looks like there is
there is only 13 and 24 left guys.... i couldnt get these two myself so have no idea of the answer haha