im currently a student and have a lot of spare time. i play £11 DYM's i play two or 3 tables at a time and always seem to do well and boost my bankroll that way. But then i play cant help myself and enter the big tournaments on sky and haven't yet been successful therefore taking my money back down. i have saved a little bit money up to put into my account and was thinking about putting it in and just playing DYMs for a little while. But i dont know if you can make good money doing this?
I would love someone with abit more knowledge on playing DYMs and manging your bankroll could help me. All help would be great.
Hi Mikey.
With sit n go games you can predict your winnings by looking at expected ROIs.
A 5% roi is very good and most winning players will be around this mark.
5% roi on a £11 game is around 50p profit per game.
If you play 20 games a night, your profit will be a tenner.
Is this good money? It depends on your definition of 'good money'.
I see your roi is 8% in dyms over 100ish games. That's pretty good and gives you a profit of around 80pence per game. (not sure if the rake is included in the ROI calculation)
Up to you how much you play and therefore how many 80ps you can earn. But it should be easy to forecast your expected profits.
I got an avg stake of $16.50 which is around a tenner.
Still, 6% is very good. 99.6% of winning players would be happy with that long term
I got the stats from sharkscope.
It's free for basic searches but to get stats for specific games such as dyms you have to be a member.
If you want something finding out though just post up on here and I or someone else will get them for you.
Gl mikey btw I'm playing mainly 5's/11's atm so will no doubt see you on the tables at some point
Sorry Jac, I meant specific, specific games :P
Done on a technicality
and not one of the other 3 had an ace. Very sigh.
I purposely took multiple attempts to take the screenshot at the exact moment where the revolving star looks nothing like a star, and you go and point it out!*
Gotta try and keep these up n coming sickos grounded
*or maybe it was just un/lucky :P
I do enjoy playing them though, some ppl find them boring but when you get down to the last 4 and the blinds are crazy it does give me a buzz.....sad but true!!!
Mikey.......there has been some good advice from dohhh, jac and jd. All the best on the tables mate
It wasn't meant as some kinda thin brag I just genuinely wanted to know what my years ROI was because my total one is poor! I am thinking of playing these on a reg basis and wanted to see if I was gonna be wasting my time