Obviously the main event is the main focus here, but closer to the time are there going to be any satelites into the side events for the UKPC? I'd love to give the Omaha a spin, even if it's just for the experience. I've had some good Omaha MTT results recently, and I've only ever played it live once, so paying £500 for the "experience" is way too much...
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It's possible, we'll have to see, but I think it is unlikely.
For now, the primary focus needs to be on the Main Event.
There are now 73 qualifiers in the Sky Poker lobby, & DTD have probably qualified about the same number, so we must be close to 150 runners now. I doubt any event of this nature has had 150 qualifiers so far in advance of the actual Event, as players generally leave it until the last week before trying to qualify.
We have been doing a lot of work under the radar to see who will or will not be playing, & the feedback from the "Big Names" is that most of them will be present.
I have spoken to the majority of them personally, including those you mention, but poker players being poker players, they rarely buy-in this early.
We have not "announced" them as such, or not yet, but once their names appear in either of the lobbies - SkyPoker or DTD - then we will.
The problem here is that if we announce that, say, Sam Trickett is playing, & then he decided to stay in Macau playing those whopping Cash Games, it may look like we have tried to mislead people. Truth is, Sam HAS told us he will definitely play, but until he actually buys in, & his name is in the Lobby, we can't really go round saying "SAM TRICKETT IS PLAYING". He said he would, but he might change his mind, & we can't really ask him to sign a Contract to play.
The Sky Poker satellite schedule? Well it's "dynamic", & so yes, it may be altered nearer the time. We actually discussed this matter yesterday, in fact. It sort of depends how many seats have gone by then I suppose, & also on how much demand there is.
For sure, there will be a LOT of qualifying interest in the final 2 weeks before the Event.
The Guarantee requires 500 runners, but nobody will know the exact numbers until Day 1b of the Event, as we expect many Circuit Pros to just poll up & buy in on the day.
Scary, but exciting!
The nightmare scenario, however, is a half empty Day 1a, & folks queuing out the door on 1b. Would not be the first time it has happened, by a long chalk.
You'll be OK though, you can go in the short queue.