I was worried about getting paid at start but it all worked out in the end

?Small blind £0.25£0.25£115.14phil12ukBig blind £0.50£0.75£120.14aces_upAABig blind £0.50£1.25£49.50 Your hole cards79 ewd22Call £0.50£1.75£69.25Poker-GazFold aces_upAACheck jbpokerFold ?Call £0.25£2.00£114.89phil12ukCheck Flop 8610 ?Check phil12ukCheck ewd22Check aces_upAACheck Turn 9 ?Check phil12ukCheck ewd22Check aces_upAACheck River K ?Check phil12ukBet £2.00£4.00£118.14ewd22Fold aces_upAACall £2.00£6.00£47.50?Raise £10.00£16.00£104.89phil12ukAll-in £118.14£134.14£0.00aces_upAAFold ?All-in £104.89£239.03£0.00phil12ukUnmatched bet £5.25£233.78£5.25?Show45 phil12ukShow79 phil12ukWinStraight Flush to the 10£231.98 £237.23
To call an all in with it is ambitious to say the least.
He cant be that bad usually, he had managed to more than double his stack before you stole it away.
Early christmas pressie for Phil.
p.s There is 4 to a straight on the board so he probs put Phil on that, also could put phil on overplaying a set/2 pair.
Nice pot though Phil, can't remember the last str8 flush or Royal iv had!!
With the absolute stone cold nuts out of position, it is OK to bet out to try to build the pot so as to be able to make a decent sized value bet on the river. Obviously the way that it was played, it worked out perfectly for Phil but that wouldn't normally be the case - not many people are going to call an all-in on the river with that holding.
Personally, I think that I would have bet-out, just called the inevitable raise and check called the turn, then gone all-in on the river (or possibly check raise all-in on the river if I had a very good read that my opponent would bet it).
People will call a small bet on a flop like that with all sorts of hands.
Betting out also disguises Phil's hand.
P.S. Charles, I don't believe for one minute that you get stacked off for /> 200bb with the 5 high flush here.
You're now only going to win a big pot vs a flush, which you would have stacked at any point in the hand.
You need to be worried about maximising your value against their entire range. Getting the most out of AcXx, AT, sets, 2 pair, and you really, really didn't do that.
Massive logic clash.
stop being jealous
In a multi-way pot, it is more than likely that someone will have a part of that board and so building the pot as early as possible would generally be optimal.
As already stated people with holdings like Acx and Kcx will definitely come along for the ride.
People with already made hands will almost certainly re-raise trying to protect their hand.
People with an already made flush will definitely at least call and probably re-raise. If another club had come on the turn or river (or the board paired) Phil would NEVER have got as much money from this hand.
The comments above were made as constructive criticism.
I didn't detect any jealously at all in the posts - just interesting thoughts on alternative ways to play this hand.
Anyway, Phil didn't post this thread in the Poker Strategy section. I suspect that he just posted it for its curiosity value but I'm sure that he is as interested as anyone else in other people's sensible comments on alternative ways to play the hand.