Mods I know not poker related but I hope you let me get max exposure on this please.
Yesterday morning my 15 year son who has Autism went missing in Essex area please go to my facebook page jason Mrburns which I have open to public view for photos of him. The police have been out all night with helicopters and serach dogs trying to find him. The press are now being given details and hope anyone in Essex area will see this soon.
Apart from my obvious appeal of any sitings help the reason I need help is there anyone in our comunity that is a highly technical on mobile phones. The police are struggling somehow my Son has managed to piggy back his phone it looks like to a US network which means they cannot ping the phone to get a area where he could be. The police admit they never seen anyone do ths before and have been working on this for over 14hrs now without any joy.
Please contact me if you are someone who understands what he has done so the police can ping his phone. As we now reached the 24hr period I obviously been told these searches get more and more difficult and of course time is not on there side.
The helicopters are out with search dogs and Essex police have esculated this to a full scale incidant so I know they are trying so hard to find him but if we could break this piggy back thing Jordan chances of being found would increase massive
Ty all I will be online again all day and nite if needed or any info can be directed to Essex police who have set up the usual in these cases. Ty for listerning all
they are very good on there and should reply quick if anyone can help. If you are not registerd pm me and i will send you my log in details. Hope this can maybe help and hope things work out quickly.
Sorry to hear about your son, Mr. Burns - really wish I could help more than to offer you my best wishes in finding him safe and well soon.
I'm positive the moderators will keep this page open for you.
what part of Essex in case someone asks?.