Want to make it clear that I am in no way complaining, but by offering Moday's BH as a prize it mean the winner will have to 4 table if they wish to play DTD and make the most of their prize. Possibly thursday's BH would be an equal and more convenient alternative. Just a suggestion.
Want to make it clear that I am in no way complaining, but by offering Moday's BH as a prize it mean the winner will have to 4 table if they wish to play DTD and make the most of their prize. Possibly thursday's BH would be an equal and more convenient alternative. Just a suggestion. Posted by Eyeman
great work again!
Team points awarded as follows......
Forum DTD Team Result Jan 14, Week 2
Team Runners Wins TeamPts LeaguePts
Dragons 8 1 15 7
HitSquad Jams 19 - 11 6
HitSquad Donks 11 1 10 5
Poker Titans 22 - 7 4
Knight Poker 7 - 5 3
Diamond 3 - 0 2
BringIT 1 - 0 1
Ninja Plonkers 2 - 0 0
Team 51 4 - 0 0
Forum DTD Team Table Jan 14, Week 2
Team Runners Wins TeamPts LeaguePts
HitSquad Jams 39 - 28 13
HitSquad Donks 23 2 22 11
Dragons 12 1 21 10
Poker Titans 45 - 14 8
Team 51 7 - 8 5
Diamond 7 1 4 4
Knight Poker 11 - 5 3
BringIT 2 - 0 2
Ninja Plonkers 3 - 0 0
Some Great debuts too!!
Great nite, TY to all Admins, Organisers!!