Hi. I just wanted people input and advice regarding cash games.
I currently play in many of Sky tournaments as well as some dyms also (still waiting for the elusive big win but have had some successful cash/deep runs)
When it comes to cash, whilst I can acknowledge the variance is smaller than tournament play, my game is quite weak and find I have a game better adapted to tournament events.
My question is:
Whats the best way in playing cash games (micro)
After finding out yesterday can now play on web browsers on tablets, it allows me to venture more in playing at work (sneakily of course) instead of waiting to come home.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated
In most employment contracts "gambling" while at work is a dismissal offence and good luck arguing that poker isn't gambling.
Re advice on micro cash
1. Tighten up from tournament play - good starting hand selection (most important when starting out)
2. Think about position - more hands get to the river and you want to have position down the streets
3. Raise don't call when opening betting
4. Read up on bet sizing (see Lamberts recent thread)
5. Make sure you have plenty of buyins to cover variance
6. There are some good diaries on here from players who are winning on those games plenty to learn from them
7. Read up - or watch videos whichever suits you best
8. Use the poker clinic to post hands you were not sure if you did the right thing to get feedback
Links here:
Beating Small Stakes Cash Games - Part 1
Beating Small Stakes Cash Games - Part 2
Beating Small Stakes Cash Games - Part 3
yep it worked lol
regards Alan
Just play a solid aggressive game and you can't go to far wrong.