Am i the only one who thinks that since theyve changed the payout system its a joke?
This aint a winge or what not and i know ppl will be saying its free take it bla bla but you try play most days 14 hour days then get back to me.
Anway just been on phone to priority about the cash return as i check it every month just to see what the return is as its all fluffed if you ask me.
20,000 im on the return £511? now i think this is shocking big time when last year it would have been nerly double that return and hearing that honestly just makes me not want to grind anymore ,
I know you should play for profit which i do but the cash return is always a big incentive to grind or otherwise i wouldnt do the hours i do.
But just feel that the payouts now are so bad compared to before that it isnt worth actually goin for the big scores anymore.
Anyone care to put there input on this
This is good news for you because it keeps the poker economy healthy, and most of that money will still trickle up to those at the top of the pyramid anyway.
Bending over backwards to keep the relatively small number of high volume grinders happy while neglecting the vast majority of players who are low volume net depositors would be a disasterous policy, the games would eventually dry up. The more balanced way the rakeback cake is sliced up is much fairer now than it was before imo.
Tournament fields have been growing lately and several guarantees have been increased. I'm convinced the switch from C4P to Rewards is partly responisble for this. I don't play cash, so I have no idea if the cash player pool has also seen similar growth. I'd be surprised if it hasn't.
kidwiz how you get that much return for 20k pp
I made 22600 point in December and only got a return of 460.77 which I think is pathetic btw
If only a handful of these players then grow to love the game, deposit, talk to friends, make more people play, more people deposit. Happy days.
I think lambert180 wrote a post a few weeks ago explaining how the rewards system works now so if he reads this he might be able to bump it for you mate.
What also needs to be considered is the number of players who now have a 2nd/new account to pick up on the rake bonus they were going to miss otherwise.