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Larson/Liam/Slipwater - Genting Casino, Glasgow, Feb 1st...

SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,707
edited February 2014 in Poker Chat
Larson7, liamboi11, and I have been throwing about the vague idea of hitting the Alea Casino in Glasgow one weekend for a while now, but the idea came up in the chat box again in the early hours of this morning when the three of us were alone on a 20NL MasterCash table. Now, disregarding the fact that Larson was out of his depth at that level, Liam and I have decided to bring him along anyway, if only to show him how it’s done.

So, I thought this thread could be a place for us to finally hammer out the details, to stop it from never going ahead, and perhaps also for some suggestions beyond us obviously crushing the cash tables.
Should we sit at three separate tables in order to maximise profit and eliminate the potential for stacking each other (or is this part of the appeal)?  Are there any tournaments on that we may want to factor in? Or indeed, do we just want to get drunk and play some high stakes PLO, because that game starts to make sense when you’re inebriated?


  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Larson, Liam, and Slipwater's Glasgow Tour...:
    Larson7 , liamboi11 , and I have been throwing about the vague idea of hitting the Alea Casino in Glasgow one weekend for a while now, but the idea came up in the chat box again in the early hours of this morning when the three of us were alone on a 20NL MasterCash table. Now, disregarding the fact that Larson was out of his depth at that level, Liam and I have decided to bring him along anyway, if only to show him how it’s done. So, I thought this thread could be a place for us to finally hammer out the details, to stop it from never going ahead, and perhaps also for some suggestions beyond us obviously crushing the cash tables.   Should we sit at three separate tables in order to maximise profit and eliminate the potential for stacking each other (or is this part of the appeal)?   Are there any tournaments on that we may want to factor in? Or indeed, do we just want to get drunk and play some high stakes PLO, because that game starts to make sense when you’re inebriated?
    Posted by Slipwater

    Optimistic.  ;)

    Definitely sit on the same table otherwise whats the point in going together numpty!

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited January 2014
    Surely the prospect of stacking Henrik means you'd want to sit on the same table no?
  • DivsDreamsDivsDreams Member Posts: 301
    edited January 2014
    Problem you will have m8.. Is sometimes if theres a toruny going. say Saturday night.. There will only be 1 or 2or cash tables. usually 1/2 and a 50/1. Might pop in see you all if you want an extra body,  Bowling right across aswell . good laugh.. before you go to casino.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,707
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Larson, Liam, and Slipwater's Glasgow Tour...:
    Problem you will have m8.. Is sometimes if theres a toruny going. say Saturday night.. There will only be 1 or 2or cash tables. usually 1/2 and a 50/1. Might pop in see you all if you want an extra body,  Bowling right across aswell . good laugh.. before you go to casino.
    Posted by DivsDreams
    Right enough, Divs - I forgot you were a relative local. The other stooges may be a little awestruck if someone of your calibre pitched up ;)
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Larson, Liam, and Slipwater's Glasgow Tour...:
    Larson7 , liamboi11 , and I have been throwing about the vague idea of hitting the Alea Casino in Glasgow one weekend for a while now, but the idea came up in the chat box again in the early hours of this morning when the three of us were alone on a 20NL MasterCash table. Now, disregarding the fact that Larson was out of his depth at that level, Liam and I have decided to bring him along anyway, if only to show him how it’s done. So, I thought this thread could be a place for us to finally hammer out the details, to stop it from never going ahead, and perhaps also for some suggestions beyond us obviously crushing the cash tables.   Should we sit at three separate tables in order to maximise profit and eliminate the potential for stacking each other (or is this part of the appeal)?   Are there any tournaments on that we may want to factor in? Or indeed, do we just want to get drunk and play some high stakes PLO, because that game starts to make sense when you’re inebriated?
    Posted by Slipwater
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited January 2014
    hey div more and welcome come along m8 think me and larson would be happy to replace slipwater asap anywayz :)
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited January 2014
    Might be worth the travel to sit at that table.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,707
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Larson/Liam/Slipwater: The Glasgow Tour...:
    Might be worth the travel to sit at that table.
    Posted by Donttelmum

  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited January 2014
    is the invitation open to anyone to join in the area???

    in the alea there is normally 1 or 2 cash tables depending on volume,min £40 1/2 blinds and an omaha table. there is normally a tounrnament every night starting around 8.30 although i have been and cashed a couple of times i prefer the gentin for mtt's although there poker room isnt as nice i feel its a better game and better value in the gtd prize money.

    the merchant city (gala) has a fantastic poker room set up but not sure what the cash games are like.

    what about phoning and trying to organise a table for just yourselves as a sky poker cash night at the table where some more of the players from the area could join.   would be nice too meet and play live with some of the people i have met recently on the forums.  think something like this would be really enjoyable.

  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited January 2014
    hey chris the more the merrier we don`t know exactly what we are doing yet but last time we spoke I suggested an all day,night and morning session lol.

    yeah I prefer genting for mtts and cash games are quite good also they do one round holdem then 1 round omaha and they do 50nl+ tables.

    but the alea is more open to some good food places,the poker is decent too think on sat at 4pm is a deepstack then cash games are always juicy from what i`ve seen and to top it all off a lot of people go to alea after night out so some attractive ladies may attend which means me can send slipwater to do work his magic and we may get some female company which is always a bonus :)

    DTM more and welcome too buddy and I know what you mean by value why you think i`m hangin around with them all day it`s not because they are kool :)
  • scwuffy54scwuffy54 Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2014

    do you have a date in mind?

  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Larson/Liam/Slipwater: The Glasgow Tour...:
    do you have a date in mind?
    Posted by scwuffy54
    nuffin yet m8 that`s why slip made thread

    you and mrs game?
  • ctbnctbn Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2014
    I live not too far away,but ive never played live before,,,
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,707
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Larson/Liam/Slipwater: The Glasgow Tour...:
    I live not too far away,but ive never played live before,,,
    Posted by ctbn

    Because you're not invited.
  • ctbnctbn Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Larson/Liam/Slipwater: The Glasgow Tour...:
    In Response to Re: Larson/Liam/Slipwater: The Glasgow Tour... : Good. Because you're not invited.
    Posted by Slipwater
    PMSL,,,,,     THE SECOND WORD IS  ####  HEAD
  • scwuffy54scwuffy54 Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2014
    trying to play less online and more live so would defo be up for this
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited January 2014
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited January 2014
    bump i`m free this weekend I know it`s short notice any1 else game?
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Larson/Liam/Slipwater: The Glasgow Tour...:
    In Response to Re: Larson/Liam/Slipwater: The Glasgow Tour... : Good. Because you're not invited.
    Posted by Slipwater
    Hahaha, harsh much? :D
  • TsaaaarTsaaaar Member Posts: 368
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Larson/Liam/Slipwater: The Glasgow Tour...:
    bump i`m free this weekend I know it`s short notice any1 else game?
    Posted by liamboi11
    This Friday would be good! ;)
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