I was watching the New Zealand v India ODI this morning, seething on 2 counts.
1. I wanted India to lose
2. I always get annoyed by the way the adverts in a cricket game still fit into the uniform ad breaks every 15 mins on all channels so I have to suffer them.
could you have a poker table that charged less or no rake but had adverts on it to offset the losses.
e.g. micro stakes could have adverts for Farm Foods or Lidl and the higher stakes could have adverts for companies that sell gold bullion or whatever else rich people like??
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thought of 2 reasons,
1. Mysterious asian bookies stand to gain the most from an unlikely result such as a draw.
2. Protecting his average??
But averages aren't everything.
Trott has been protecting his for years and has ended up going crackers.
Mitch' Mac shud be banned.
I heard he's stated a cricket is rigged thread on cricinfo