Hi Guys
A quick question, I qualified for a MTT through a satelite and then had to go out so deregistered from the tourney before it started. I assumed I would be refunded the buy in from the tournament but this does not seem to have happened. My account summary shows no 'win' from the satelite and no 'buy in' or 'win' from the main tournament (both show as 0). Any ideas? It was only a £2.40 satelite to a £10 deep stack so I'm not overly concerned and I suppose it will teach me to enter a satelite by mistake!
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i tried de-reging from the £750 BH a short while ago as i thought it started earlier than 12.30am , but as i satelited in it didn,t refund me the buy in so i got onto live chat and they put me back in it
Thanks TeddyBloat for the tip. Worth considering when there is a good bit of overlay in some of these sats.