I am off to Vegas in two weeks and am just trying to work out the best way of taking my money with me. I have read the maximum you can take in cash is $10,000.
If i wanted to take more would it be best to split the extra cash above $10,000 to my friends going who will be taking much less (and are very well trusted) or to wire the money direct to the casino?
If i was to wire the money to the casino is it very easy and is it easy to withdraw once i am there?
Thanks for any help
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Agree with the declaration point at customs as you don't want to mess with those guys. If you are going to play the majority of your bank roll at one casino (or one casino group) then its worth phoning them up and finding out if you can get a credit line with the casino. You should also join the players club for the casino as with that level of play you will earn some great "comps" etc and get rewarded for your play (just like sky poker rewards). By having a casino "account" You'll have options as to how you get the money in to them and then using it at tables should be straight forward. It also means you're not walking around Vegas with 1000's of dollars at a time. Of course, if you intend to play at numerous places then this wont work as well.
Anyway, hope that helps a bit and have a great time
Thanks for the help. Going to play most of my poker where im staying so maybe the credit line is a good idea
if not ill make sure i make the correct declaration instaed of trying to split it between people.