First of all, this is not a complaint - Sky do a tonne of promotions that it really doesn't have to and I thank them for it! Second of all, I am aware that Sky can't please everyone.
However, I feel like someone needs to say that the lower stake players do seem to be getting left behind during the promotions from time-to-time .. maybe they should be left behind as they don't put as much money down on the site - that's for someone with more knowledge on the subject than myself to decide.
Having said that, I can't help but feel that a promotion based on the amount of time spent on Sky Poker in a given month would make a lot of players very happy, and also reward all the loyal customers.
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Would be good to see some more promo's that more players would have access too.
So someone who spent ten hours a week and spent £500 on rake should get more than someone who spends 20 hours a week and spent £100 on rake.
I actually dont like rake races, but time races would be even worse.
Promotions should be tailored to people who spend money on poker. Not time or rake.
That way people who spend money are happy and then in turn regs are happy as the games are softer.
I think there should be a freeroll or promotion for those members who spend the most amount of time on Sky Poker in a month (maybe the top 100). Don't forget the top 100 would be the people who have literally spent a whole week (168 hours) playing time on Sky Poker in one month - surely that type of dedication should get some reward, regardless of how much they spend on rake?
Look at the recent promo, the top player prob paid about £4k in rake. Which covers all the prizes for the top 10.
If you look at the top 10 alone, the rake paid is probably about 30k.
Don't know the exact figurs, i could be over or under but basically the promo prob made sky a lot more through the extra level of play it encouraged than had the promo not run.