Decided to have a little experiment during my latest cash game session (on titan) as i was a little bored and thought why the **** not

Anyway my experiment was to just open shove with any premium hand pre-flop no matter how much i had and see how light i would get called by people at 5nl, you know what it's like at those levels, people don't like folding haha.
So i decided to do a sample from just 500 hands (didn't take long it was 2 tables of speed poker) and in total i got dealt 19 premium hands (1010, JJ, QQ, KK, AA and AK, although after i had lost with 1010 v a light call with QJ i decided not to do it with 1010 anymore)
Here are the results from all 19 hands i got called:
QQ v AK - won ($5 pot)
QQ v A10 - won ($10 pot)
AA v AJ - won ($4 pot)
AK v AK - split ($15 pot)
AK v AK - split ($3 pot)
JJ v JQ - Lost ($6 pot)
AK v QJ - Lost ($4 pot)
1010 v AQ - Won ($15 pot)
KK v 109 - Won ($5 pot)
KK v 1010 - Won ($10 pot)
QQ v 66 - Won ($10 pot)
JJ v AA - Won ($12 pot)
1010 v QJ - Lost ($13 pot)
AA v 22 - Won ($8 pot)
AA v 108 - Won ($4 pot)
KK v 10J - Lost ($1 pot)
AK v AQ - Won ($10 pot)
AK v AK - Won ($2 pot)
JJ v 67 - Split ($5 pot)
Started off with just $5 on both tables, most people on the table start off with that amount but some have less and a few have more (e.g the hand i won $15 - the guy had $7.50 or so before the hand but those are just rough estimates rounded up to the nearest pound lol)
First few hands i got dealt QQ, open shove and get called by AK and hold. Nice start! And i realise people won't fold AK to an open shove if they have $2, $5 or $20 lol.
Got QQ again soon after, get called by someone with 100bbs with A10 and i hold. 2 in a row, nice!
AA v AJ - guy only had $2 snap called me, easy hold.
Next 2 were my AK v another AK - both split.
My first loss was when i shoved JJ and i got called light by QJ (which is what i want obviously, but can't win them all!) - The guy only had about $3 though.
Got beat by QJ soon after again, this time i had AK - another smallish pot though.
Always had my doubts with doing it with 1010 but i did it anyway and won a $15 flip v AQ - but just proves that even people with more than $5 will call off all their money pretty light - so they must think i'm drunk and bluffing? haha.
KK v 109 - that guy must have been drinking lol.
KK v 1010 - the guy thought about it for a while but ended up calling his $5 just to lose it haha.
QQ v 66 - Snap called from the BB, easy money.
JJ v AA - First and only time i got it in behind, but i'm a lucky *** sometimes lol. Flop comes A10Q and i river the king. Not so easy money, but i'll take it!
1010 v QJ - Got snap called after i shoved UTG with this, the guy had like $7-8 or so, risked it all with just QJo lol, he won the flip and after that i decided not to do it with 1010 anymore as it would be a flip more often than not.
AA v 22 - Same guy who called me with the QJ the hand before, on a different table though so he didn't have as much

but still, easy money.
AA v 108 - Ridiciously easy money, got a bit lucky counterfeiting his 2 pair but i was miles ahead pre which is what we want obviously.
KK v 10J - guy had less than $1 and just must have felt like having a gamble, 10Js is nice indeed i suppose!
AK v AQ - Snap called again, and he turned over the hand i was most hoping to see haha. Won easily.
AK v AK - Only a $2 pot but i hit the flush with my AK, i run good sometimes lol.
And finally, the JJ v 67 hand was pretty funny, the worst call out of the lot and the board runs out 45678 for a split pot haha.
So overall at the end of the 500 hands, i'm up about $75ish. Can't believe it tbh, i didn't think i would get that much callers everytime i shoved, there were a few instances where everyone folded but about 75% of the time i got called, pretty incredible really haha. Did people think i was just drunk and just ******* my money away or something? The fact it was speed poker, no-one else apart from the 2 people involved in the hand could see what i was shoving with lol, but the same guy fell for it 3 times!
Don't think this will ever work in the long run though.. thoughts? I did get called pretty light quite a shockingly amount of times.. which is what we want, can't be any easier money than that lol. It was definitely fun though, and a laugh!
Oh and hello everyone, long time since i last posted! I'm still on here every day looking at your diaries and stuff, keep it up they're all a good read

EDIT: i know this isn't the right way to play poker or anything, obviously. But if i was in need of a quick buck or two then maybe this could be the way? I don't think i'll be doing it again as i like to play poker properly, it's more fun that way but it was just an experiment haha.
That's quite a lot of premium hands to be dealt in just 500 hands though, am i right? Lol. But still, £40 or so up i'm not complaining!
JJ v JQ - Lost ($6 pot)
AK v QJ - Lost ($4 pot)
KK v 10J - Lost ($1 pot)
AK v AK - Won ($2 pot)
JJ v 67 - Split ($5 pot)
Even more rigged than Sky ^^^^^^^^
Skeg, do you coach?
wb fella.
I was just so surprised to see how many times i got called to be honest, i don't want to call anyone idiots or that, but i think most people just fancies a gamble at that level as it is pretty cheap lol. Overall i think i got dealt about 35 premiums in 500 hands, and 19 times i got a caller. (60ish%)
I might do it another couple of times just to see whether it was a fluke or not haha, i'm not bothered if it doesn't work out as i do want to play poker the normal way, i was just a bit bored last night. And i'm 50 quid up so i can't complain can I!