With regards to Richard covering for Sara -I hope during the interval, Richard DOES NOT go back stage and pick up a short skirt / leathers (belonging to Sara C... not suggesting she wears leathers by the way).. .. and applies a bit of make up and lippy and comes back on after 8pm, as Rachael Orford instead!!
Just imagine a newbie to the channel / site tonight for the first time seeing that, they would be double checking which channel their actually on, perhaps theirs a few that would like Rich to come back on after 8pm in drag!!!....lol
Can you discuss what's going on with online poker in the USA right now, and maybe what you predict to happen in the short-term and then long term future?
I know what is wrong. Sky Poker has been taken over by supervillians and they have sabotaged the show. Don't believe me? Well top two in the Rainman deepy at one stage today were...
Last longer please....................
With regards to Richard covering for Sara -I hope during the interval, Richard DOES NOT go back stage and pick up a short skirt / leathers (belonging to Sara C... not suggesting she wears leathers by the way).. .. and applies a bit of make up and lippy and comes back on after 8pm, as Rachael Orford instead!!
Just imagine a newbie to the channel / site tonight for the first time seeing that, they would be double checking which channel their actually on, perhaps theirs a few that would like Rich to come back on after 8pm in drag!!!....lol
Good Luck to all
hi rich, ryan
if you are looking for material...
Kill some time....
Can you discuss what's going on with online poker in the USA right now, and maybe what you predict to happen in the short-term and then long term future?
TheJoker 14860.63