3 weeks is pretty ridic not to have played your match. Surely its time to just knock the people out who aren't making any effort to arrange their games?
Sigh, was hoping people were capable of organising a simple HU game themselves, especially after going to the effort of volunteering themselves to play.
I'll do the 2nd round draw and post it up tomorrow.
Please post if you haven't got your name in the mix yet because I'll have a look through tomorrow and anyone that hasn't posted at all or seems to be making little to no effort to arrange their game will just be substituted out for people that want to play. I'll sub as many as I can and anyone else that is unable to contact their opponent will just have to get a bye to the next round.
Ok Geldy is back in and can play Scwuffy please. If Clare does still wanna take part then there are many many people who haven't bothered with Round 1 that she can take the place of.
So Geldy v Scwuffy
Ebberdon doesn't seem to be contacting Benc at all so he's now replaced by Chris_Mc
So Chris_MC v Benc
No word from Macapaca either so he's been replaced by SammyDrid. Again if he shows up vv soon then he can replace someone else who isnt organising their game
So Flashjonny v SammyDrid
That means we're 'only' waiting on 5 x Round 1 games to be completed now. Seems MP33 has been on here a lot to sort it but Pat Walsh hasn't so happy to replace him but I need someone to post up to say they wanna play first.
Either way, here's the round 2 draw for you all to be getting on with... thanks!
well if im lucky enought oo win, ill play tonight, but have too get there first and see if benc will play tonight. round 2 should be easy enough, more worried about round 1
well if im lucky enought oo win, ill play tonight, but have too get there first and see if benc will play tonight. round 2 should be easy enough, more worried about round 1 Posted by Chris_Mc
me too bryan
Word from the top is....
Round 2 draw, Sunday afternoon.
could not agree more keith im well cheesed off
I'll do the 2nd round draw and post it up tomorrow.
Please post if you haven't got your name in the mix yet because I'll have a look through tomorrow and anyone that hasn't posted at all or seems to be making little to no effort to arrange their game will just be substituted out for people that want to play. I'll sub as many as I can and anyone else that is unable to contact their opponent will just have to get a bye to the next round.
Savior of the Universe!
Tomorrow or Thursday between 4pmish and 7pm any good Darryn?
Can do before midday both days if that's better?
Oh wait, what's that: you're not ready?
Hmmm. I see.
Ok, as you were.