In Response to Re: Spotting good and bad opponents : How do you know what someone is like? Watch what they're like lol I think they meant what tendencies. Imo... Open limping Limp/calling often C/f too many flops (just playing fit or fold) In MTTs, still 3x'ing when stacks are <40xBB lots more but will let others join in Posted by Lambert180
Usually its self hatred. You know when someone says they HATE benifts cheats / homosexuals / bullies and wont shut up about it? Its usually because they have their own scams/ have experimented in their youth / were horrendous bullies and are protecting their own self worth by criticising in others what they dislike about themselves.
So if you get called a bingo player, you can guarentee they'll be limp/calling-off T6o for 12bb
If you get called a nit, dont bother calling off their 3bets as they will always be nutted
And if you get callled a donk, rematch as often as you can.
In Response to Re: Spotting good and bad opponents : How do you know what someone is like? Watch what they're like lol I think they meant what tendencies. Imo... Open limping Limp/calling often C/f too many flops (just playing fit or fold) In MTTs, still 3x'ing when stacks are <40xBB lots more but will let others join in Posted by Lambert180
People who comment on others play. Usually its self hatred. You know when someone says they HATE benifts cheats / homosexuals / bullies and wont shut up about it? Its usually because they have their own scams/ have experimented in their youth / were horrendous bullies and are protecting their own self worth by criticising in others what they dislike about themselves. So if you get called a bingo player, you can guarentee they'll be limp/calling-off T6o for 12bb If you get called a nit, dont bother calling off their 3bets as they will always be nutted And if you get callled a donk, rematch as often as you can. Posted by TeddyBloat
put ex-smokers in that list,people who have never smoked dont like it but let you get on with it,ex-smokers think you,re the scourge of society.
people who are of the opinion that poker isn't gambling. they must be bad because they don't even realise that placing a bet in the expectation/hope of a particular outcome is the very definition of gambling.
people who are of the opinion that poker isn't gambling. they must be bad because they don't even realise that placing a bet in the expectation/hope of a particular outcome is the very definition of gambling. Posted by memfno
Cenachav, with life insurance you are betting on a certainty, its not gambling, cus eventually life insurance pays out on all customers! Posted by memfno
are casino owners gamblers? depends if they play roulette/blackjack/craps or not? dont really unerstand your point Ivanovic Posted by memfno
I believe his point is that casino owners 'gamble' everytime they let someone place a bet on roulette/blackjack etc but they do it knowing they will win long term (much the same as winning poker players).
Spotting the good players is easy, once I've been sat at the table for 20 minutes they are usually the ones with all my chips.
I use this handy chart.