What a night!!!
So just on my usual dym grind with the 6 tables running and decide it's time for a smoke. So lift the laptop to the backdoor and light up. I get a real whiff of plastic burning and think I've thrown my last cigarette onto something a caused something to melt. So get my torch and start looking around....nothing there. Then I notice a little smoke coming over the my hedge alongside the neighbours house. So I go to investigate. Lights on my neighbours but nothing happening and no sign of fire. Smell of plastic burning is still quite strong. I turn to investigate round my house when I hear glass smashing from further down the street. I walk on down to the next house to see black smoke billowing out of the living room window!!!
The window of the living and frame has completely fallen out and I can hear a man speaking very faintly but cant see him because of the thick smoke. I shout in im going to phone the fire brigade. ran back to the house and phoned the fire brigade barely able to speak at this stage. I then go back to the house to see if I cant get the man out. The smoke is really really thick now but he's still talking. I eventually spot him down right below the window and try to get him out. He was an old man and i dont know if he is normally not able to move well or it was due to the smoke but he couldn't move. I pulled and pulled at him but couldnt move him!!!
I then tell im going to get help at whcih stage he tells me I need to get his wife too. I run to the neighbours house where I can see some lights on and I knock the door. No answer. I then jump up above their fence to see if there's anybody in the room. Now here's the best bit, they were at it in the living room. Well I say at it both of them were on the floor and neither of them were dressed lol
He rushed to the door in a panic and i said there's a fire help!! what i'd just seen completely forgotten about obviously. We ran to the house and the flames were now all over the living room. We reached in and between us managed to haul the man out and dump him on the driveway. Now we had to find the wife. I shone my torch in and shouted for her but got no answer and couldnt see or hear anything. Fire brigade arrived and took over. Turns out the wife wasnt even in the house which was a real relief.
The man was ok although was taken straight to hospital for smoke inhalation and my neighbour although embarassed returned the coat i'd lent him in his half naked state lol I'm totally shaken up now and need another smoke!!
What a night!!!
His windows can be replaced, his walls re-decorated.
The damage the fire has caused to your sharkscope graph can never be repaired.
You'll have to live with that downward spike for ever
Nice work though JD!
love the neighbour part too, hope you got an eyefull of **** as a little reward for ur help!!!
how do you never get warnings lol
great story as every1 ended up ok, wonder how the naked gal felt not bein finished lol
Wp tho JD! The old guy really did run well this evening.
Nice work JD
Ps - Just stopped smoking myself for a week with the help of those e-cigs. Well worth a try
Ps did you win any of the games hehe
WELL DONE JD.... very brave and gallant of you.
my vote for TOTP for sure
(* *)
Hope this doesn't mean the golf spreadsheets will be late this week