They are a number of people I have played with and againist over the years on sky that I respect a lot and have learned from speaking to them on and off the tables.
I can`t mention them all but a few that stick out for me over the years are.
Arazi- always helped me with hand histories always gave me confidence in my game when things went bad and just overall a great guy doesn`t matter win or lose at tables he was always a gentleman.
bighawk89- IMO is prob one the best regs between 20-50nl and I picked up a few things while playing him over the years and still crushing me at tables today
and final person is a player/presenter/analyst is James Hartigan no offence to other presenters and analysts yous are all great and do a great job just IMO james was the best.The reasons I feel James was the best was he always gave good solid advice but was always brutally honest when speaking about players hand if they made a play that he never liked he would say and give good reasoning behind why he thought it was incorrect play and explained it very clearly.
Also met him at SPT Birmingham when me and my mate nick(tsaaaar) was star struck and went over to speak to him and he was a nice guy also very tall lol.
When I first started playing hu, tormas77 and larson7 destroyed me with aggression learned more from playing them than beating 100 bad players. Cost me a few buyins but in 15 games or so against them I improved no end.
About 7 months after I started playing I was useless. Way too aggressive early and passive if I ever went deep until I was on a starting table with the great TommyD in the old mini open. I thought to myself this is going to be fun and resolved to watch him like a hawk. I did and. luckly for me, the table didn't break and I didn't go bust for about the first 2 hours or so. I was expecting fun and games 3 and 4 betting him for the first few levels but he just sat there not doing much until the blinds started to bite then he exploded in a haze of betting fury. After the table broke and I bust I took a big long look at myself and my game and worked out I was getting it the wrong way around and resolved to turn my game on it's head. A few weeks after that I took down the DTD, then my first main event win.
Thank you Tommy for improving my game, even though you didn't know it at the time. Oh and thank you for being a great all around bloke too and a top mod here.
Love your loyalty Tomo. Mtt wise a picked Tommy D, Matisback, Mewillows, So Lack, Stay or Go, Bear Proof, Darsum333. few ive missed but all do well. 2 other class players not on mtts as much now is Runitsrann and gadgerno1..
For me, top of the list is deffo Dohhhhhh. He took me under his wing years ago after me posting a million clinic hands and has really helped me improve HU SnGs, MTTs and Cash.
Other than that.... Coxy
and EvilPingu... as long as it's not about how to play JJ in level 1 of an MTT
DYM's ... JOHNCONNOR (the master) played against him a lot, always disciplined & hard to beat.
CASH ... ARAZI (all round nice guy) not played him, he's too good, he he always helps me when I ask for hand advice.
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2 other class players not on mtts as much now is Runitsrann and gadgerno1..
lolufold & Acegooner
Other than that....