Evening all, from DTD.
Tonight, there is a £150 Mega Sat to the High Roller.
So far, about 40 runners.
Few faces spotted so far include......
Hitman Harvey
Ian "MacMonster" Senior
Slyklist (not playing HR sat)
Michael Greco (Beppe, from Eastenders)
Alex Goulder
Rtan Spittles
Jamie Sykes
Jon "Skalie" Kalmer
WSOP bracelet winner Matt Perrins
James "MC" Atkin
0 ·
What a week in prospect!
Ryan is what is known as a "LolPro" or "random".
After 2 Levels......
40 entries
41 Rebuys.
So, over £12k in the pot already, needs £16,500 to cover the 5 seats Guaranteed.
Here we go, 3 way all-in, pre flop........(click photo to enlarge)
Either side of the Dealer, two famous faces, can you name them.......?
(Click to enlarge photo)
Slightly less famous, maybe, but Sky Poker stalwarts.
Matt Perrins and Beppe?
Michael prefers not to be addressed thusly these days though, "don't call me Beppe".
OK Beppe.
There were 50 Entries, & 114 rebuys, so I think that makes 7 seats.
Ryan is still in, "grinding a 10BB stack".
I never went to bed until 0530. I almost inevitably yielded to the lure of the DC cash game, a temptation I was just not strong enough to resist.
I did however make copious notes & faithfully rail the HR Sat until the very end, & then sent all the details across to SPT Rich whilst he slept peacefully, & which he published (without acknowledging my input) HERE
WSOP Bracelet winner Matt Perrins was the Seat Bubble, & the final hand was almost farcical due to one of those misunderstandaments that are prone to arise in Live Poker. If he had noticed that a bigger stack had shoved with 9-9, Matt, with J-7, would never have called the shortie.
The Door Card, of course, was the Jack. And the 9-9 then went perfect-perfect all the way to nail a straight.
Cracking field for a Super Sat, must be said.
There is another HR Satellite @ 1pm today, with the HR proper starting @ 6pm this evening.