as you guys will know i love the community and forum here on sky, but recently all i seem to be reading is stupid bad beat stories and people saying that sky is rigged..... even to the extent of ppl saying "typical sky" in the chat box when thier ace 10 loses to kq..
i dont know how many times we need to say this but :-
- its poker...its exactly the same regardless of which site you play on
- live poker is exactly the same
- keep getting your money in ahead, and you will be up in the long run!
- most peole only remember the bad beats on them and not when they outdraw others
some people are so "anti" sky poker at the moment that i have been told that
1 - im clueless
2 - talking out of my £%^&&%
for saying what i just said!!
ITS POKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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However as with all things, a seed of doubt hurts from one bad apple hurts the image of the whole industry as well as providing fuel for the conspiracy theorists. The events at Absolute/Ultimate really hurt as they were the first 'name' sites to have a scandal involving 'insiders.'
I have no doubt that SkyPoker is completely on the level. However if anything like the AP/UB events were proven to happen I, like many many others, would cash out and never look back. This is the reason that no right minded company would ever rig a site, they would suffer destruction they could do little to recover from. UB is only still just about going due to constant rebuilding/rebranding and assurances that it was just a couple of individuals who will be prosecuted. The jury is still out if they will recover fully in such a competitive environment. (I still will not and doubt I will ever open an account there).
thanks for you view and gl at the tables
It's not the company's none of them it's someone looking to break the system, a bit like any other scam that can be operated with a fiddle, even some players themselves work at ways to cheat , as the old saying goes...
'In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king"
'Who can ya turn to" ?
As I said on the original thread (in case you couldn't be bothered to go back there! lol), it wasn't necessarily what you said as the way that you said it! What you said was quite correct but you put it across in a confrontational manner and they seemed to take offence. Keep on posting mate but maybe try to be a little more diplomatic!! lol
I am fed up of the same boring individuals coming out with the same "it's fixed" rubbish time and time again, and being so contrite in their viewpoint.
Stems from not knowing pot odds and having selective memories imo
KK will bust AA 20% of the time. Hardly up there with the loaves and fishes in terms of miracles is it!
I blame Orford.
Goes without saying really.