So sat with us at the UKPC is Ben Nutall - aka Nutter5932.
He is currently contemplating entering the £500 UKPC Heads-up event.
It's likely to be a tasty field (Sam Trickett etc) which is good and bad - good because when ever will you play people like that heads-up? But naturally they are good players.
It is a bracelet event (bracelet worth over £3k apparently) with good prize money. Sky Poker regulars will also know that Ben is a quality player too and would have a shot in what's likely to be a fairly small field.
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Our hero...
Looks like he's in good form, he's even on orange juice!
Spoke to Ben, he's been watching this poll with interest....
... and it looks likely he will play the event!
Thanks for your votes
Imagine going into a draw with those big names.