Villain was flatting most hands preflop and c-betting a fair bit when he min-raised.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexSmall blind 25.0025.001445.00marklarBig blind 50.0075.001480.00 Your hole cardsQK xRaise 75.00150.001370.00marklarCall 50.00200.001430.00Flop 732 marklarCheck xBet 100.00300.001270.00marklarCall 100.00400.001330.00Turn 10 marklarCheck xCheck River 10 marklarBet 210.00610.001120.00xCall 210.00820.001060.00marklarShowQK xShowA7 xWinTwo Pairs, 10s and 7s820.00 1880.00
when you are sitting OOP bluffing has a much greater risk because you don't have the info of the opponent.
as you check the turn the hero himself might be thinking you too had 7x and were betting the river as the 10 has now paired.
the way to have bluffed this would be when your sitting in position if the hero choose to check the turn and you then made a bet that he calls then follow through with another bet on the river the chances are he would then believe you have the trips but this bet could easily be 7x
Oh, and HU with KQ I'm 3-betting that small open raise preflop. Even if you aren't ahead in this example, you normally would be.