So how are we all doing today? If you were at the UKPC I'm looking directly at you... Recovered yet? How was it for you? Any tales to tell? Bad beats? tikay's coffee count? All welcome...
We're back to the live shows this week then and tonight we're asking 'Do you feel lucky, punk?' (I'll see if Ross can do a decent Dirty Harry later) And before you get all James Hartigan on me I know that's not the line, the line is 'Do I feel lucky punk' but it's been misquoted over the years and for the purposes of discussion I'm asking you... Do you consider yourself to be a lucky person or an unlucky person? What's your knee jerk reaction to that question?
When it comes to flips, does your heart sink? Do you think it's 50/50 so I'm bound to lose this! or are you more of a glass half full kinda player? We know poker is ALL skill of course but when you need just that little bit of help does Lady Luck shine on you? Or do you dismiss this very discussion as nonsense because there's no such thing?
It's an interesting one to me and one on which many experiments have been conducted, Derren Brown devoted an entire show to people who consider themselves 'lucky' and 'unlucky' with some interesting results. The main finding really being that people make their own luck.
Anyway I've waffled enough for now, I'll dig out a couple of free entries for those of you who indulge me with your thoughts on this show thread so thanks in advance and best of luck on the tables *if there is such a thing* ;-)
Sarah xx
I shoved twelve big blinds in the Main Event with pocket 7s, but it's perfectly standard to be called by someone holding 3 4; and then it's absolutely fine that the flop came down with nothing for either of us, keeping me miles ahead. It is then, of course, completely correct and expected that the turn was a 4 and the river was another 4, because everyone knows that live poker is rigged!*
*not really, but I'm still sore.
So - you tell me Sarah: lucky or not?
You should have been there Sarah - you could have bought me drinks to drown my sorrows.
In for the last longer if there is one
Have a good show guys
poker is 10% skill and 90% luck [in a downswing]
i have a mate who is walking, real life variance. he is the only person i know who has actually slipped on a banana skin that was lying in the street. to balance that he once dropped a full pint in a bar, and had it land bolt upright with nary a drop spilled.
aces cracking under the strain of off-suit junk are merely banana skins in the street. the next night your T8o 4 bet bluff will run into kings and your pint will land upright, my son.
never fear.
I was totally up for the (self-imposed) challenge
It's a good shirt!
I will be lasting longer, Sarah
In for the last longer!
last longer please
Have a spiffing show
I have three of them! Awesome use of my credit card...