Just as Oz is the home of the Cowardly Lion, I am starting to wonder if Sky is the Home of the Cowardly Shark?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that all the Sharks on Sky are of the Cowardly Variety. Ive seen the TV, ive viewed the Copenhagen table where players who will rip your arm off (otherwise known as your bankroll) as soon as you sit down next to them.
No, I'm talking about them medium levels where you look down the lobby and see all those 2 man tables with 1 person sat at it. And u think, i've got 50 quid, i've got a 100 quid, i fancy a run at this. so you register. And you log on to post big blind and then watch their clock run out till it says SAT OUT. I mean what is that all about?? What do these players do, check you out on Sharkscope until they decide you are FISHY enough. So you sit there like a lemon, until eventually you get bored and de reg, and move back onto a tournament.
Now, if you are lucky enough for one of these players to deign to decide they will mix it up with you for a few hands, o don't they get upset if u start beating them, "How bad are you" "You're the worst player ever" stuff i expect to see on 2p/4p not from people who are semi known. Sheesh! Don't get me wrong, if the insults start to get thrown, i'll stand my ground, in the words of (nerd alert) Captain Sherdidans father "Never start a fight, but always finish it". So i do, if i'm winning and the insults start flying, i just leave the table, and take my money with me. Advice I pass on to you now dear reader should you decide to jump into one of these Cowardly Sharks ponds.
If you are a cowardly shark, and sit there on a 1/2 waiting for an opponent to register, the least i think you can do is take on whatever fish drops into your pond be it skate/haddock or barracuda. And i also think, at least once a day each of the Copenhagen regs should sit at these tables, just to make the previous incumbent run away, LOL
My name is Memfno, I'm a friendly fish, coming to a pond near you, please have the decency to try to eat me!
Nice post memfo very well written....
Nothing against you - pretty sure weve played before tho