now this is something ive heard a few times and my impression a very basic one,
implied odds are when u are betting when u think u are behind but building that if your hand hits you will win a bigger pot? if you have say, 2 overs with a FD and SD. and you put you oponant on miby a set or 2 pair.
quite a basic description on my part too what i see some of the players type on the forum, im not too big on the stats of it all,
am i nearly right

could someone clear this up?
ie set mining who hope to get him to Bet his whole stack with his aa when you have hit a set of twos
Pretty much, Chris.
Implied odds are when you are drawing to a hand, & represent the odds you will get if you hit.
It's just an extension of pot odds, but pot odds can easly be calculated, or assessed, they are "x", whereas we cannot easily calculate implied odds.
They are FAR more important in PLO, & PLO8, both of which are drawing games, whereas NLH is a "made hand" game really.
In NLH, we try to start with a "made hand". In PLO & PLO8, there is no such thing really, as we'd rarely play a hand hoping one pair (the best we can have pre-flop) would be good. Aces are an exception in PLO (but NOT PLO8) of course, but even then, we must try & get Heads Up, & Aces in Omaha are only a small favourite against most hands, unless someone gets stubborn with, say, K-K or Q-Q. Even then, if they have "good" Kings or Aces v our "bad" (naked) Aces, we are not much of a favourite.
Fewer words, but a better explanation.
more concise maybe but your responses always have so much extra value