Hey all Im just posting to ask if any1 has had any problems with tables loading over the last few days ? I reged for the primo last night, after around 45 mins all was well and I had chipped up to around 40 bigs, then out of knowwhere my primo table decided to reload whilst I was in a hand, then my table would not open so I quickly contacted online support, I was quickly told that this was a problem from my end so I followed there advice and deleted my cookies ect, I even tried to reload my table on another browser, none of this worked and all my other tables where running fine on sky and on the other 2 sites I was grinding at the time, so I pursued the matter with the online rep who was pretty rude and gave me no explanation at all, she kept telling me to contact my service provider which is sky,even tho I was still grinding all my sky tables bar the primo and my other 2 sites and my ipad and Iphone where conecting fine, so it was pretty clear it was sky end, anyways I told her countless times that it was not coming from my internet connection it was the awful new software, I told her I would disgrace this site on every forum out there as I was disguested at how I was being treated, after this she told me to screenshot my tables and email it to sky, so I did, when I had returned she had ended the chat session with no warning... my table finally reloaded after around an hour and stupid amount of attempts to log back on, I was left with 10 bigs and pretty much no hope of making a run at it. I did recieve an email off sky today telling me once again that it is a problem with the internet and still no refund, I cant understand how they can treat a customer like this, I have paid a lot of rake down the years to this site and this is how I am repaid, I was currently in talks with my backers to set up a deal for sky, there is no chance I will do anything on this joke of a site now, how can they treat people like this when they have had countless problems with the software since it was released, anyways getting to my point did any1 else experience anything like this last night ??
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I play old tables aswell no problems.