Mention to Hyfft.. Who would have won it if he'd registered. I've done that before m8 and would have scored too, though not first!!!! Put a post it note on your moniter from now on eh!
Cheers for your hard work as always guys. Mention to Hyfft.. Who would have won it if he'd registered. I've done that before m8 and would have scored too, though not first!!!! Put a post it note on your moniter from now on eh! Posted by profman15
nice result profie ps Harry is a closet TPT at heart and he didn't want to take those 4 points away from us by knocking us all down the scoreboard.
Mon 3-3-14, Week 1 March, Team points awarded as follows...
Forum DTD Team Result March 2014, Week 1
Team Runners Wins TeamPts LeaguePts
Poker Titans 23 - 14 7
HitSquad Donks 13 - 9 6
HitSquad Jams 15 - 8 5
Dragons 8 - 3 3
Team Solack 1 - - 2
Team Tw1t 2 - - 1
Team 51 4 - - 0
Knight Poker 4 - - 0
I Guessed at colours for New Teams, used Solacks Old Colour Grey, Off Orange fa TW1TS, lol, & Green Fa Crusp!
If you have other colour choice post Here & I will change!
ps Harry is a closet TPT at heart and he didn't want to take those 4 points away from us by knocking us all down the scoreboard.
Not sure but I think _ARAZI_ is missing from the league table
Did he play all 3?