Evening all. Have a great show. Many congrats to Sir Teacakes on his poker award win and his runner up in the ukpt side event. If he needs tips to win a side event he should ask Orford. Apparently he took some sort of side event down once. Not that he ever talks about it. Have a great show and I hope you had a good 21st birthday a few days ago Anna.
Ok, I know it's not Sir Teacakes yet but surely it's just a matter of time now. Good luck all and enjoy the poker
Good evening,im looking forward to the show,but i wont be watching the first 1/2 hour because your are showing the 30k roller ft which i managed to get on,and played very badly, i was falling asleep,well thats my exscuse,but i dont want to be reminded of my bad play,the £1800 was good tho :)have a good show.
Evening all. Have a great show. Many congrats to Sir Teacakes on his poker award win and his runner up in the ukpt side event. If he needs tips to win a side event he should ask Orford. Apparently he took some sort of side event down once. Not that he ever talks about it. Have a great show and I hope you had a good 21st birthday a few days ago Anna. Ok, I know it's not Sir Teacakes yet but surely it's just a matter of time now. Good luck all and enjoy the poker Posted by cenachav
I'm having problems trying to download the software, it keeps telling me installer file is damaged and to get a new installer file from the author? Any ideas
Great show so far tonight guys.
Last Longer please.
Massive congrats to Tikey on his award. No-one is more deserving!!!
That joke never gets old...
...unlike Anna.
Happy birthday(ish) Anna.
Have a great show, in for the last longer please
Congratulations your having a Boy!..............
errrrr....well actually it's a man (with you on the show that is).......and an award winning one too
Best of luck with the show both of you and stick me in the last longer please.
Keep the beard. Beards are the best. I found some chocolate in mine the other day. Was a yummy surprise.
I'm having problems trying to download the software, it keeps telling me installer file is damaged and to get a new installer file from the author? Any ideas
in for the last longer please